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  1. Name of SG: AMERICAN SUPERPATRIOTS SG Officers: OLD GLORY SG Outline: Retro-Golden Age, Patriotic-theme. Looking for consistent players (new and old) who are considerate and polite. I am online every Thursday (Mountain Standard Time) from 6 pm to 12 am. I also on here on other days - times vary. ABOUT ME: I'm in Tucson, AZ, and I play approximately 3 hours per day (longer on days off). I started playing from Launch on, but skipped several years. Typically play Tanks, but I also have a Blaster, and two Scrappers. None are currently beyond L33. I like to experiment with builds. And am a laid back player. I design games, and create 3D projects. Created a Superhero Card Game called, Extraordinary." It can be looked at on Facebook ( /extraordinarygame).
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