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Everything posted by CornFollow3

  1. The overall damage of Rain of Fire to have more damage than whirlpool it would have to hit at .8 seconds per hit to overcome the damage of whirlpool and be worth it. But this solves my original question. Thank you.
  2. The math doesnt add up still in AE. it would have to hit .8 sec to overcome the damage of whirlpool.
  3. The general consensus for farming is fire. I've been told this is true for Corrupters as well. But I cant help but ask why? Fire has Rain (which hits for 2 dmg) at 400% dmg using FS, Fireball, Inferno and that's it (I don't use cones). So that leaves you with 2 affective AoEs. Water has whirpool, water burst, and Geyser. Whirlpool does *8* dmg on each hit absolutely crushing rain with the same mechanics other than AoE size being a smidge smaller. Burst and geyser are pretty much the same. So I ask why people prefer fire over water? Am I missing something when it just comes to dmg output and farming?
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