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I do believe I addressed most of these points already, but in a brief way that one might talk about code and that could be overlooked by others... people should still be able to add to the list [yes they should be able to add to any salvage bin the whole time] while you're accessing it (i.e. while you're crafting and utilizing items on the list... [I'm assuming these are coded into some list functionality at some place]), and others should not be allowed to pop from the list [take away from any salvage bin] while you're crafting (this is ripe for dupe issues, we're talking about salvage, but the rare salvage would add up quickly and latency issues with multiple users from around the globe to a server and yadda yadda; hence flag it for others to not take away up front)... also this should be a flag enabled option for those that actually want it and see value in it... many players have solo SG bases and this could even be seen as a help to those in larger more public bases... however, I'm sure there are some maniacal maniac individuals that would see this as a plight to their whole being - great thing this game has a myriad of UI locations where something like this could be turned on and off by someone with the authoritah within their specific SG bases... additionally, you're assuming about my SG design... I've got many tables between all my bins because I'm lazy and I even have my storage organized by color(rarity) and alphabetized (it is labeled too) and i'm the only one in it so it stays exactly as i organize it... but still having to run from one bin to another is tedious and lame... I cannot store all common, uncommon and rare salvage within a tight space that is reasonable that requires me to not have to open/close/move/open/close/move/open/close/move... I don't believe that this is achievable with just the common salvage alone... do you have an instructional "how to" video posted somewhere with a magical one stop location for crafting in an SG base and having access to enough salvage storage to maintain a "reasonable" amount of all salvage in the game with a crafting table in proximity? again, I'm lazy... if you have the magic then share so I can lazy better, thanks! if this magical setup does not exist and possibly is difficult to achieve given the size of various items for storage in question, then perhaps this idea has some merit, even if it fails to meet the likeability rating of every single player in the game anyways, Devs please take into consideration and thanks for your time!
that one is a whole other topic... click mission transporter and take a nap... one can almost walk to the next mission, kill all, knit a kite and fly it on a windless day before mission transporter finally executes.... and that is a tangent to the TEAM transport that you're still missing... some of us want to be part of the TEAM and transport together and then say "ty" in chat to the caster, whomever that rando PUG is, and feel the feelings of gratification and dopamine and all those other stuffs... many others would love it if TT was given the full fledged opportunity to properly shine instead of being put in the corner! make TTs so big that I get hang over prompts from the team late last night!
IDK, I think you could go a full 1500' radius on this and it isn't going to hurt anything or anyone, the whole zone or even between zones because you know some of us like to run TFs and you gotta be a solo talking to miss lib or azuria and someone is poppin it in the other zone and you're all loner status... really what is the major impact of letting the whole team be prompted to teleport to the next mission? this isn't exploitative in any major fashion or design... the team isn't getting PL'd to 50 in a few hours from this... the team isn't getting major buffs and running through the content with this... the team isn't getting anything other than a quality of life improvement of the most minor and yet impactful way for the people that routinely play the game and most likely the TF content... if you thought experiment this out, at what point does it become :*( oh no that's not good! :*( only place is maybe the RPers not liking it but the thing could drop an animation for other heroes at other locations/zones if that is a must or are we suggesting there aren't enough choppas for the heroes/villains? cause you know this multiverse has things like magic in it... magic is a pretty bendy thing for the sake of stories also, I've been in discord teams where I've heard people lament that they weren't close enough for a TT to prompt them and then had to wait for the next prompt... so this is something that people do actually want, even if they don't articulate it in the perfect sense for everyone's sensibilities and also want to come all the way into the forums to make a full post about such a feature.... this is actually a big hurdle for many a people and the suggestion/help in game is pretty much worthless with the functionalities as they stand...
I don't care about the functional size of the object, but care about the 15' radius or area of effect... and that is specifically what I am referring towards when saying it needs to be bigger. 15' is stupid close and it invades the personal space of my character and none of them like it. The radius could easily be extended out to the same for incarnate destiny powers, but I'd personally prefer a 150' radius... like I said before, put the slider to the right, full send. 15' is too dang small, imo, and this could easily be extended without impacting anyone in a negative sense and would be exceptionally simple to implement. Again, I don't care about the color scheme, the size of the transport objects or any of that fluff, but the actual using it thing. I've been on teams where someone casts this and I'm in the area, but not hugging everyone, and I don't get the prompt and the team is gone and I'm left alone and lonely.
Dear Devs, Can we please make it so that players can move all their common, uncommon or rare salvage en masse to the market? I don't like having to move each common type when I'm trying to move all of them. Also, for this same sake, it sure would be swell if there were functions that allowed me to list all my common salvage for the same price. Same with all the other salvage types! They are pooled on the backside so my listing them on the front side for different values seems like a moot thing and I'm listing them all at the same rate cause they're sorta the same same but different, yeah? Thanks for your time and consideration!
Hey Devs, Can we get access to the full base salvage storage while crafting in the SG? Just add a flag or marker to make it so salvage cannot be removed from any bins while someone is crafting at a table and then make that salvage immediately useable while crafting in the SG.... as opposed to having to grab each item specifically off the shelves.... this seems like easy QoL sort of thing for crafting in SG! Please do be sure to let other SG members add to the base salvage bins though... just not removing as that would create dup issues with latency to a server and things. Thanks for the time and considerations!
Can we please make the TTs bigger? Like really big? It is semi-annoying to be generally in the area of the team and miss the TTs being flashed because you weren't standing nut to butt with the rest of the team. Is there a reason that the area for the prompt to TT you to the mission needs to be so obnoxiously small? I can't think of a good reason at all... everyone wants big TTs even if they don't know it yet. Please and thanks.... remember the slider all the way to the right, full send!
I went to post an item on the market, was charged 10x the *LISTING* fee AND the item did not post. It is quasi-frequent that I am charged the appropriate listing fee and the item doesn't post, this is exceptionally annoying being charged 10x the fee and also getting kicked in the groin by this system. This is also the first time that I've noticed being charged 10x the listing fee, but I'm sure it has happened before cause you know this game. I did not buy the thing, I didn't have the wrong amount, I did all the correct things for trying to SELL a new item on the market. (I'm only saying this because the first knee jerk response of the jerks is that the user clearly must be ignorant and wrong and and and...) Devs... for the love of love... please try to fix the damn market and this issue that surely impacts many more people than just me and must be irritating for many others... this is QoL and a bug all rolled into one, who wants to push the button to post to the market, get charged for it, but not have the item listed and still sitting there... can I go to the store and pay for services and then not receive them? Where is the Better Business Bureau of CoH? You know... pics or it didn't happen and you're the crazy one... look I screen shot the thing, but how does one even prove a sequence of events like this with a mere screenie? Did you think about that at all before you thought about the need for a pic?
Thanks for finding this! It is deceptively difficult to find! I have found one other deceptively difficult image to find the "Special Titan Enhancement" icon. It appears to be the same for all of them and also has a lovely crystal image in it. We are at least becoming highly adept at making custom macros. Again, Thanks for your time and effort in this endeavor!
Btw, this is also further validation that the macro_image list is even more woefully incomplete... Badge Images as well as IO Images... what other images could one use? are there images for contacts in the drop down... bet those work too
I just tried this one and it works! So you were able to find the appropriate ingame name for that and it works like a dream! Thanks for your efforts! Now that pesky "The Shadow Out Of Time" badge image name
Thanks for the second attempt... That list doesn't seem to directly correlate to the badge names in the game. As an example, the macro I just gave above for the defeat of ravenna has a prefix of badgei27. It is referred to in the list right next to a badge name in question for The Shadow Out Of Time. Using a similar suffix or trying many "logical" permutations of the names I don't get a macro with the appropriate image, but one that has the error image. I also try to incorporate aspects of the name for the file from the wiki, just in case there is partial correct information is both instances. Nothing seems to work with that file name.
That list is actually really incomplete as it doesn't refer to a single badge image for a macro. /macro_image Badge_i27_defeat_ravenna "TGT: Nictus Host" targetcustomnext alive "Hostless Nictus Essence" This macro uses a very new badge image as an example of what I'm talking about. Sadly, there isn't a place with all the images and their names, since that list (I believe it might be the most complete, but it isn't everything available.) doesn't contain any badges. I am sure the function would also work on other images so long as we knew the names to the images. Hence, my asking about the IO images. Really, this means having someone that is at least somewhat versed in diving around the .pigg files to find these names and correlate them to the appropriate images. I've tried looking into some of the .pigg files, but I'm not sure that everything is contained in the same locations. The badge files I found didn't seem to have any i27 badges in them, but using the Homecoming wiki, I can find some of those badge names, while the wiki isn't correct with other names.
Additionally, if you're a wizard of this ilk... do you have the magic abilities to use IO images in macros?? I'm specifically looking to utilize the Ragnarok IO set image. Again, thanks for your time and effort.
I am trying to make a macro using the badge image for The Shadow Out of Time Badge that is awarded from Sister Valeria Story Arc Completion. Usually, one can use the file name from the Homecoming wiki associated to the badge. However, I seem to not be able to get that to work (Mission_Valeria_Complete according to the wiki) so I am wondering if anyone has the ability to get the real file name the game uses? Can you share this process so others can do it for themselves? Can anyone with the appropriate knowledge and drive update the wiki? Bueler? Thanks for your time and effort!