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Posts posted by MissionMan2

  1. 7 hours ago, DarionLeonidas said:

    I'm just checking to see if this is a local issue or if anyone else is having trouble launching the game?
    As of 3:08 EST, both my wife and I cannot enter the game. We get hung up at Game Launch, or Login, or Character Selection, or Zone Loading.
    EDIT: Now getting a "no mapServer connection" message...
    We've both re-started our machines, checked settings, etcetera, just wondering if it's an ISP issue and if anyone else is experiencing this.
    Also, is this the right forum for this sort of question?
    If not, sorry!

    I am having the same problem

  2. I am still having trouble launching the game. Im in Dallas Texas. Is this a local issue? I can log in but then i get a message "Can't connect to DB Server". I can't connect with either of my accounts. This has been going on for about 24 hours now..... Very Very frustrating. There is nothing wrong with my computer or my internet....If there were, i wouldnt be able to leave this message.

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