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  1. It looks like we have different playstyles, as you have firebreath fully slotted, but your melee powers not, I'm guessing you play mainly ranged? I see you have bonfire instead of fire sword circle, how worthwhile is it now since the nerf, does it knockdown enough to avoid runners still or is it just a legacy power?
  2. I just thought I could swap scorpion shield for rain of fire, and with the slot from CJ, 5 slot it with bombardments for 7%acc and 5%rech bonuses, I'm not a fan of rains, but i could use it as an opener when inferno isnt up and there's a troller or dom on the team, so situational but not just a mule. HOMECOMING Mr Meaner FIRE BLAST rain.mbd
  3. Am I on the right track with this? or heading in the wrong direction , I did look at swapping scorpion shield for consume but even procced out it would be my lowest damage AoE and with this recharge fire sword circle burn and consume look like they will chain, so consume would only be a mule for an obliteration 3% damage bonus. I know i needlesly have ring of fire, but this was based on an old build when you had to take it, and by the time i noticed the build was done and it was too late, I'd swap that for super jump, and put the BOTZ from CJ in SJ freeing up a slot that i would likely put in health, to take the preventative medicine proc from cauterizing wounds, leaving space for more damage or end. HOMECOMING Mr Meaner FIRE BLAST damage.mbd
  4. Hi all, I normally duo with another blaster that we roll though content with and to do that I have a defense based build, but sadly they have been on less of late and I've been doing full teams more, while I am a good damage dealer I cant help but think that built for defense i'm leaving some damage on the table, and given that there is normally a tank/brute/scrapper to take agro and some support to buff/debuff, I should make a third build that is a glass cannon blaster of old, focused on damage instead of defense. It's a build that will likely only be used on +4x8 content with full teams so solo ability isn't important, and while I want decent single target damage, AoE damage is more important to me. I've never really made a damage focused build before, all my toons have at least one form of defense soft capped, so I could really use some help even for the basic stuff when it comes to slotting, do I slot for damage bonuses, damage procs, recharge bonuses? focus strongly on 1, a combination of 2, or a little of all 3? I include my current build for perusal, I'm pretty happy with it and is is there mainly to give you more insight in to my blapping playstyle, but if you see big holes in it feel free to let me know what changes you would make to that as well as this new build. I'm pretty sure I should ditch web cacoon which is a useful but seldom used defense mule, for hot feet, Probably swap scorcery for blazing bolt and combat jump. Likely swap maneuvers for assault., and put its slots into blazing bolt Can consume be tuned into a nuke with procs given its long recharge? if so maybe i should ditch the epic, or i've only really looked into mace for the defense, is thare an epic that offers good damage to a fire /fire blaster? I could probably take the slots out of fire blast, as with blaze, blazing bolt and fire sword i doubt i will need to use a 4th single target attack with less damage HOMECOMING Mr Meaner FIRE BLAST Hasten.mbd
  5. Agility doesn't boost damage and the recharge nerfs procs.
  6. I know, but staying at T2 is pretty limiting though, for example my favorite alpha is Musculature Radial, and you cant get endurance modification on it till T3. Many Radials are similar in that you don't get the better secondary effect till T3, and I dont believe that any of the cores give you the bigger primary effect till you hit T3 either. Also only having 33% of the values bypass ED is pretty weak, it means your much better off using it to boost effects that you already decided weren't worth the slots to enhance to ED. I like all the incarnates and want to run them at T4. I just want to be able to turn off the level shift so I can set notoriety to +4 and fight +4s in regular combat (now that I'm strong enough to do so), as I could at lvl1 (though it would kill me) through to lvl50 before T3 Alpha incarnate. I get why setting to +4 doesn't give lvl55 foes to 50+1 players and think that this would be a good way around it. It allows you to be as powerful as you can be, without lowering the difficulty of the game around you, without effecting teammates in any way, and while being optional so those that want to steamroll everything can still do so.
  7. In regular contend I would often prefer to be fighting lvl54 foes as a lvl50 rather than as a 50+1, I know I can unslot my alpha incarnate and do that, but i like having the alpha powers. would it be possible to make the level shift element of the alpha slot selectable so you could switch between being 50 and 50+1. If a switch isn't possible could there be duplicate alphas with and without the level shift that you could choose between, so you have to earn the level shift free version if you want to unslot the regular one and fight +4s again? The same goes for Lore and Destiny slots, but to a much lesser extent as there is hard mode content for those already to make it challenging. It seems strange to me that the game's difficulty ceiling is the lowest when our toons become their most powerful. I think this would be more team and sidekick friendly than adding a +5 option to the notoriety settings, which may be frustrating to sidekicks and non incarnate players.
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