Hi all, I normally duo with another blaster that we roll though content with and to do that I have a defense based build, but sadly they have been on less of late and I've been doing full teams more, while I am a good damage dealer I cant help but think that built for defense i'm leaving some damage on the table, and given that there is normally a tank/brute/scrapper to take agro and some support to buff/debuff, I should make a third build that is a glass cannon blaster of old, focused on damage instead of defense. It's a build that will likely only be used on +4x8 content with full teams so solo ability isn't important, and while I want decent single target damage, AoE damage is more important to me.
I've never really made a damage focused build before, all my toons have at least one form of defense soft capped, so I could really use some help even for the basic stuff when it comes to slotting, do I slot for damage bonuses, damage procs, recharge bonuses? focus strongly on 1, a combination of 2, or a little of all 3?
I include my current build for perusal, I'm pretty happy with it and is is there mainly to give you more insight in to my blapping playstyle, but if you see big holes in it feel free to let me know what changes you would make to that as well as this new build.
I'm pretty sure I should ditch web cacoon which is a useful but seldom used defense mule, for hot feet,
Probably swap scorcery for blazing bolt and combat jump.
Likely swap maneuvers for assault., and put its slots into blazing bolt
Can consume be tuned into a nuke with procs given its long recharge? if so maybe i should ditch the epic, or i've only really looked into mace for the defense, is thare an epic that offers good damage to a fire /fire blaster?
I could probably take the slots out of fire blast, as with blaze, blazing bolt and fire sword i doubt i will need to use a 4th single target attack with less damage