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Everything posted by Stelaphina

  1. My main brute fire/rad was deleted. I would not have deleted this toon. Has anyone else had a toon just disappear? I searched all the servers to see if somehow it got moved, but nope, it's just gone. Is there anyway the GM's may be able to assist and recover it?
  2. Can't get pet window to show on my Dom...followed all the instructions but the window doesn't show...any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. So they can't both run at the same time...well dag, that was one of the powers I was using to get LotG in lol. Any other suggestions of what to take besides Maneuvers than?
  4. Before I equip maneuvers I am at almost 44% def, when maneuvers is equipped it drops to 20.55% anyone know why?
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