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Posts posted by avgHuman

  1. I'm amazed people are still commenting and replying to me in this thread. I only made the suggestion because I thought this option would be easier than the coding that would be required to remove the squid and lobster from nova and dwarf forms so you can still look human when using those forms. It of course still may be easier than that way, but still too much of a pain for the devs to consider it a valid option.


    So since it's already been pointed out to me that my suggestion won't even be considered, that should be the end of this discussion. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    I have no comment on Kheldians since they are already a massive pile of powers beyond any other AT's power sets, but as far as the Master Brawler/Practiced Brawler bit? The devs have already said that given how much of a headache coding that was, they will not be doing that again.


    Ah, that's fair. A shame, but I understand their reluctance to do that again.

  3. I'm thinking it would be nice to have something similar to how Sentinel Super Reflexes works with Master Brawler vs Practiced Brawler. 


    For those that like their Tri forms or Bi forms, they can pick their normal shapechange preferences, but for those that want human only, they can choose an alternative power instead. 


    The Dwarf form option could be something like an auto-power that either provides defense, regen, or increases hp, but spreads out the status protection to other toggles. So choosing either that or the Dwarf Form at the level would lock out choosing the other option later.


    The Nova form option could be something similar to dual pistols ammo changing that adds different status effects, or damage types to your regular attacks. Of course, choosing that would lock you out of being able to choose Nova form.



    • Thumbs Down 1
  4. On 9/7/2022 at 3:49 AM, The_Warpact said:

    Hey someone just said something incredibly stupid to someone else on here.(I know your just shocked as shit on that one)


    Anywho, it was called into question about the person's length of time they've been playing. Now the person in question who was being referenced was a name I recognized as someone I recognized from the Live forums.


    So my question do you still use your forum handle from Live? 

    I'm devastated that someone just said something incredibly stupid to someone else ... and it wasn't me. 


    On a more serious note, I do not use the same forum handle as I did from Live. When Live came out, I was young and stupid.


    Now I'm just stupid, but with maturity and a better handle on my emotions. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Frozen Burn said:

    If you're talking about character creation time included... it can take all day to several days.  The concept, name, and costume all have to be something that I really like or i will never the the toon.  Sometimes a bio is included in that creation.  Sometimes, I have to do a Mids build ahead of time to see if i like the pairing of power sets - that can take hours too. 


    Once the character is in game, then it's just a couple mins to see P2W vendor, fix the UI, and then running through the tutorial or running one of the initial contacts. 

    Yes, I feel once in game it's super quick. My first read of the thread came after the OP's edit of their post though, so I included the character creation part. I don't even bother with initial contacts until lvl 4, which is like 2 to 3 minutes after I fix the UI and grind through either Longbow or Hellions.

  6. Hey Doc, I used to be part of Safe Harbor. I don't think I'd be that memorable (Not as memorable as Bert or Fuego anyway), but I was @Crazy Kaze on the Forums and played a Dark/Dark Defender named Pure Fury before being renamed to Honeyshade at some point. Can't remember any other character from back then besides my Dark/Dark Corruptor named DeFekTive. 

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