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Everything posted by smnolimits43

  1. First off, at what level do the missions open in Peregrine Island ?? Second, what are the names of the contacts in PI ?? Third, can someone point me in the right direction ?? I', not sure if this is the right forum to be posting in ??
  2. Hey there, I need a Rad/MA build. Thanks in Advance.
  3. what time do you guys usually start ???
  4. my apologies to the GMs, wont happen again
  5. alright i've tried many times to make the best version of spidey that i can, maybe you guys and gals can do better
  6. I believe he is sitting at lvl 27. I'm planning on respecing him, and i'm not sure what powers to keep, and which to toss from the build. All help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  7. What powers would you give such a character ?? My travel power is based off the new Teleport, called Goop 🙂
  8. thanks for getting back to me BrandX, i appreciate it 🙂
  9. Hmm.. no bites eh ?? What ever happened to the Force Fields guide ??
  10. Ok first off, my character has Force Fields, and Psychic abilities. Second, she has Stealth and Infiltration. I wanted to see if these two powers stacked, and i was wondering if it made the user look like the stealth powers in the Arsenal set. From what i could see, it does not. I was hoping it would look like the user would be completely invisible. Third, with the changes to Force Fields , i was wondering if anyone picks up all the other bubble powers. Fourth, how does one slot all of the Force Field Powers ??? Lastly, i went with Flight and Hover, for my travel powers.
  11. yah i thought i just mapserved again
  12. I can't remember where i saw a post , maybe 3 months ago. I need a macro for Teleport and Combat Teleport.
  13. Right now most people on Excelsior are sleeping. So I use Dispersion Bubble and my Blast attacks, mostly just single target powers. I'm set at -1x1. I find i still get flattened at times 🙂
  14. I think the Title says it all. Thanks In Advance .
  15. thanks alot, i found the RP Forums as well 🙂
  16. So i hit lvl 20 early this morning. I noticed there isn't a second build up power. I'm thinking of rp'ing this character, but i don't really have any idea how. Is there a server that would be better to do this on ?? I mostly play on Excelsior. I haven't looked but is there a forum post that deals with rp'ing ??
  17. The Masochistic in me loves the set, reminds me a bit of Naruto and Street Fighter :). This makes me want to roll one on Brainstorm. 🙂
  18. Yep i'm trying Bots, i've also tried Sentinel.
  19. Alright, what secondary would fit an Autobot ??
  20. I decided to go with a Forcefield/Dual Pistols. My plans are to use only the FF powers that work on me, like Dispersion Bubble, Personal Force Field and the ones that people dont usually use. Now my reason for the powers is that my character is based on a guy dressed up as Captain Kirk, and carries Pistols, and gets trapped in CoH like the movie Tron. I'm not sure what lvl i'm at, possibly 20. ill let you all know how it goes :). If you think i'm insane, let me know.
  21. The first alt will be Luumina Jace ( Dual Blades/Energy Aura Scrapper ), and the second alt will be Benoki Doki ( Gravity/Forcefields Controller ). I'm looking for help with builds for each character. What am i looking for ??? 1) I want travel powers as early as lvl 4 2) I want both Super Speed and Super Jump 3) For Gravity: I'm looking for the two shields, and Dispersion Bubble 4) As for Energy Aura, i barely play the set, so i'm trying something new. 5) What powers would you keep for both DB and EA ?? 6) Influence will be no problem. In that case, how would you slot both the Scrapper and the Controller ?? 7) These two alts will be a Jedi Master, and a Jedi Apprentice. Thanks in advance 🙂
  22. This will be a Homage to Broly from Dragon Ball Z Here's a pic 🙂
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