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Everything posted by savair

  1. Whats the incarnate system
  2. After I got to level 50 it said the requirements for level 51 I thought level 50 was the highest how can there be a level 51 and also what happens when I get to 51
  3. how so and can you actually fight lord recluse or the statesman
  4. Also, can they fight eachother
  5. If Hamidon is the most power full villian who is the most powerful hero
  6. I need some help a lot of times when I am on a mission I follow someone. But I find myself running in to walls is there a way to go through walls or how do I fix this problem
  7. Is there one placee or creature that is the hardest to fight
  8. I am curious what each one does, I know what Rage does, but like say Sturdy , luck and Insight I am not sure what that does can someone explain
  9. I just dont get it, I mean if debt does not stop me from leveling up or slow me down at least I dont see it slow me down why does the game even have it? What bad thing happens when you have debt
  10. The camera does not change direction the character just runs backwards and I have to keep pressing the button to make it go forward and it takes a while fo rit to do it
  11. Can I do this after I have been killed
  12. Ok lets say your fighting some villians ok and you found this place because it has high level villians that you want to find so it builds up xp. You die which of course sends you to the hospital which of course sends you across town. Is there a way to place a marker for where you are at on the map so when you wind up in the hospital you can go back to that exact spot again? Like a marker for a place you want to save on the map if that makes sense
  13. I will be walking around and then suddenly the it will go backward instead of going forward. and I am not sure what to do to fix that any ideasa
  14. I am confused I get these enhancements that say you can only use them to help out other enhancements but I get no option to use them. OR I will get an enhancement that does not say I unable to use it but I cant find a time to use it. Also, how many slots can a power have for enhancements
  15. I have about three different power command bars when I only want one if you look at the pic I have attached you will see what I am talking about how do you get it back to one
  16. My nephew wants to play the game and we need to know where to download the game and install it
  17. I mean would that be fun
  18. Do we still have that
  19. I dont know but I sure do love Monty Python, you know one time I was talking to a guy online, who said he was the reincarnation of Merlin the Magician. I said if your Merlin you must know Arthur and if you know Authur Then I have one thing to say Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
  20. HEre is the update I got out and am now level 15
  21. I am on exselsor any help will be appreciated
  22. Its not working for me
  23. Any suggestions on how to get off I am level 14 but everyone I run in to is like level 25
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