Electric armor is great for every dmg res type but toxic, it has a really good self heal that jacks up regen and a end refill- both have good recharge time too. the final power is not necessary for the most part because of the heavy drawbacks that can be resolved with other powers. the only hole that electric armor has would be the lack of any built in defense. because of that, overcapping res is not a real thing when solo- the idea is to just build towards the res caps, set bonus' will add to a cap'd res inadvertedly to icrease the res of somethig not yet cap'd
ive had an electric brute and the self heal is really good but the build wasnt built towards def. larger HP pools benefit from regen values more than smaller ones but a scrapper would simply do more dmg with their dmg aura and be able to proc it out. the soul mastery epic pool gives a def power that could be cycled with the heal and incarnates as well.
dark melee appears better on scraps than brutes so a dark/elec/soul scrapper would be really good for anything. a spines/elec/soul scrapper would excel at farming due to 2 dmg auras that would be outclassing the tanker and brutes combined. the dark/elec would have 0 end issues and one could perma soul drain. the -to hit is nice too. street/elec brute could be alot of fun as could a psi/elec. martial arts/elec i think is the set up to compliment elec's lack of def because of storm kick buffing positional def