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Crimson Gas

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  1. Can we get the 5th collum prismatic costumes please? We already have clock work costumes so this should be possible.
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  2. No I don't have to delete anything I have a pvp character ready, I just need to finish getting my badges on my main
  3. I would love that idea
  4. Indeed indeed
  5. Sorry about a rant im usually to tired to rant, but my guy getting smacked in the face and losing all of his energy falling to the ground then getting 1 shotted is unacceptable. Im the great Crimson Gas not a robot test dummy. I have soloed all of the main heroes with no help i am not a battle droid im a evil criminal super villain, a evil alien brain inside of a clockwork robot,
  6. I have never played coh when it was around back in the day, but city of heroes homecoming is a game unlike anything i have ever played. Started as a villain ended as a villain. I used to have issues with being a healer and the pve used to be really hard. After I hit lvl 50 i wanted to try pvp so i did and i hated it. No offence here but if your a healer role this is unplayable. People can 1 shot you because you don't have something called pvp build? Why do you need a build just to play it? The only solution is to start over. Issue with that you cant transfer everything and it isn't worth deleting a character just to play the pvp. Not only is it not worth restarting it is also unfair for villains. The villain population isnt big as the heroes so even if i had a really good pvp build i would get jumped by 8 different people with no help. When i got bested by another player i felt like this game is is $hit. After all this fun you come to here just to get 1 shotted by a dude with more health and a better build than you. In my op theirs no skill in it. Its who ever has a better role than you and even if you do your not beating 4 tanks, a stalker plus a blaster. You will end up rage quitting. Even if i did restart i already played through the story. I know you can hit 50 in a day but it isn't worth all that just to play 1 mode. The pvp in my op is unbalanced and broken if you dont have a role your not going to be winning anything and even if you do your still going to lose. It is not for everyone i get that and im a pve guy this stuff is not for me. I dont feel like farming and making a pvp build and restarting. Im to lazy to grind to 50, i play other video games and i have life coh and cov isnt my life. Overall if i had to give my rating i would rank coh and cov a clean 9/10. The only reason it is not getting that 10/10 is because the pvp is absolute dog water. Now i know people will disagree yeah because you been on this game since day one while i have only been here since 2020 of the 8th. I'm jut talking about my experience. If i wanted to get into pvp i would just make a new character without deleting my old one and spend that time easy. but why dont i wish to do it? Why i have to complain . Its because as a healer i felt humiliated getting jumped by 4 different heroes while i could do nothing. Like come on bro seriously? I hope they do some changes. Maybe add 2 different pvp severs one normal and the other balanced so more players can play without having to worry about not being as strong as you. Idk that's just my op. Besides that if you like pvp keep playing it, but me im just going to stay pve permanently
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