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Posts posted by Badenlily

  1. Hello Defenders! I'm a new (or new "again" I guess) player to COH, and I've been trying to advance all the ATs more or less steadily together, so I can better appreciate what they bring.


    Currently, I have a Pain/DP Defender, my first take on the AT. I've been enjoying the character a lot, and it was where I did my very first DFB run. I'm enjoying the primary a lot, and after going through the Homecoming Wiki, DP sounded really nice on paper. Defender debuffs are strong, and Swap Ammo lets you choose what debuffs you need situationally! Yay!

    Except, I've kept my eye on the in-game discussions and on the forums, and I'm starting to see that Swap Ammo isn't all that highly regarded. It seems like while it's really flexible in theory, in practice people only use Fire Ammo. (Or at least off-hand comments have me believing! By all means, correct me if this isn't true.)


    So, if DP isn't quite what I thought it would be, the character can be recreated.


    In playing through the ATs like I have been, I've found I most enjoy power sets with sub-mechanics like my Water/Atom Blaster, Seismic Blast Sentinel, Staff Fighting Tanker, etc. BR's Disintegrate mechanic fits there, and as a bonus would let me keep the same "marksman" thematic in the character and costume.


    It's too early in my COH life to be thinking too much about proc-fu and the like, so speaking generally: would the various additional debuffs added by the Disintegrate sub-mechanic matter more in supporting a team than the ones from various DP ammos? I can look at a wiki all day long, but that won't give me the same answer the collective playerbase's experiences could.

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