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Everything posted by Xtypething

  1. Good suggestion, thank you!
  2. Are any supergroups looking for new recruits? Excelsior, I played back in retail. I think 1998. 5 level 50 characters before I quit to play Eve Online. Which was a nightmare, won't go there. Australian guy asleep at his keyboard, "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww". Oh crap, I said I wouldn't go there and I went there. It's funny, I just now saw a ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" in General chat. So I guess that still happens. So back to the point, I just came back about 6 weeks ago, and I'm already tired of random pickup groups. Some are good, some are bad, mostly just tired of the randomness. It would be nice to find a friendly, active SG to join. Run TFs, farm AEs, do whatever - but consistently. So I have 2 accounts, 50 demon/dark mastermind, lots of fun to play. And a 50 rad/fire brute, designed for farming but not doing very well at it so far. And a scattering of alts. @Caco is the mastermind, @Thermalwave is the brute. If you have a nice, friendly, active SG, I'd love to jump on in there. Love, Caco
  3. Duh. Edited. 🙂 Thank you!
  4. Are any supergroups looking for new recruits? Excelsior, I played back in retail. I think 1998. 5 level 50 characters before I quit to play Eve Online. Which was a nightmare, won't go there. Australian guy asleep at his keyboard, "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww". Oh crap, I said I wouldn't go there and I went there. It's funny, I just now saw a ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" in General chat. So I guess that still happens. So back to the point, I just came back about 6 weeks ago, and I'm already tired of random pickup groups. Some are good, some are bad, mostly just tired of the randomness. It would be nice to find a friendly, active SG to join. Run TFs, farm AEs, do whatever - but consistently. So I have 2 accounts, 50 demon/dark mastermind, lots of fun to play. And a 50 rad/fire brute, designed for farming but not doing very well at it so far. And a scattering of alts. @Caco is the mastermind, @Thermalwave is the brute. If you have a nice, friendly, active SG, I'd love to jump on in there. Love, Caco
  5. My profile is a cat that looks like a croissant. Lying next to a croissant for comparison.
  6. No Pets! No flames! No taunts! No plant based sausage substitutes! We can't have you doing any of that that thing you like to do.
  7. Rounding. 19 years rounds up to 20. It's good to know that what I experienced was true. What a relief!
  8. Mayor of Kingstown: you have no actual powers, aside from being fairly skilled at defending yourself with a pistol, but all of the enemy factions have a grudging respect for you and leave you alone as long as you don't shoot at them.
  9. Has there been any discussion of a "test server"? Or a "trainer", or whatever term you like? I'm in total agreement with the people saying power leveling is a waste, you miss out on content, you wind up broke, or you have no clue how to play your new character, and so on. Totally get all that. But there are times when I just want to know - how much better would this hero be with that secondary instead of this one? Or that travel power instead of this one, or slotted for Def instead of Dmg, or whatever. Or how hard is it really, to solo with a blaster? But the thought of running another alt through Hellion missions in Atlas just makes me throw up a little. Hence, power leveling. A test server where you could just roll up a level 50 and respec all evening while your lasagna is baking would be a nice alternative. And all the end-game aficionados could congregate there and compare their min-max builds. Just thinking out loud.
  10. Is there a general feeling for why that is? I mean obviously most people want to be good, but there's some interesting content on the villain side. Back 20 years ago, the ATs were unique on each side. You couldn't play a MM hero, for instance. That was the appeal for me. But now... I think if I was going to design a game like this for the modern era, I would just let people do their thing, make their choices, and be seen as the heroes or villains they choose to be. Seems too limiting to have to choose between good and evil at character creation. It's a bit like being asked to choose between good and evil on your baby's birth certificate.
  11. That's a fair point, and no it's not that hard, but this was a situation where I had been back for a couple weeks, and thought "DFB? Sure." And I was mostly sticking with the group, but found myself alone. And instead of "sorry newb, go to the exit north of you", the guy asked "where are you?" Where am I? How can I even answer that? I'm in the last place we both were. Where else could I be? And the guy dropped me. Before I could figure out how to answer. Again, I've done DFB a couple times since then, so I know where to scamper. This was more or less a diatribe about the DFB mentality. "Run zip zoom, follow the group, kill 'em, door, boss, kill 'em, door, boss..." I'm actually thinking about starting an alt just to run DFB missions, so I can ask, "Anyone new to DFB?" And make it a welcoming experience. I probably won't do that, but it's a thought I'm having.
  12. I play on a big monitor too, living room PC centric home entertainment deal. So I have to keep the UI scaling large enough to read chats, which makes it pretty crowded with all the power bars, inspirations and whatnot. I'm still playing around with it though. 20 years ago I played on a monitor right in my face, and my eyes were more youthful, so scaling down the UI was easy. Good ole days...
  13. And on my first DFB! The next two went fine though. Bad luck on that first outing, I guess.
  14. Thank you all for the replies! I take full responsibility for losing track of the team. Yes, I used the map to see where they went - I press M all the time. They were already off to the next stage, so that didn't help. And the exit wasn't marked? That was weird. It wasn't so much the fact that I lost track of them, it was the fact that I told the leader right up front that I hadn't done DFB before, and instead of taking that into account, he lit his short little fuse as soon as I didn't keep up. I just got onto the wrong team for that first run. I did a couple more after that and they were OK. Not fun, but not frustrating either. I just had to get into that macro mindset, where the last mob drops and you instantly run to the next. Last boss drops and you instantly run to the exit, or hit Exit... etc. Not a lot of talking. No, I didn't jump straight into power leveling. I was talking about "my very first villain", but that wasn't the guy I took on DFB. I leveled that guy by running mission arcs and street hunting, to about level 26. Since I came back a couple weeks ago, I have two level 20-something villains, a couple of pre-teen heroes, and finally decided to try DFB with this latest one as an experiment. I wanted to see how a Demon/Dark MM would do with the Sorcerer pool flight and TP instead of the Flight pool, and without direct damage powers. Basically seeing how the hands-off (Diablo 2 Necromancer) gameplay style would work in CoH. Seems like it could work with that power set? Still not sure how it's turning out, or if it will be fun, but that was the reason for the power leveling - I didn't want to burn through respecs trying to poke around with build ideas. Thank you again! A friendly and welcoming community you have here. 🤗
  15. I just started playing again, after a 20 year break. I loved CoH, I had a few capped out heroes. Loved CoV, had a couple capped out villains. Plus a generous handful of alts that never made it. So I'm not exactly what you would call a "newbie", but I'll accept that mantle. So I heard from a friend that CoH/V can still be played! Skip the details, I said "whoa" and now I'm on Homecoming, Excelsior. And I'm not kidding here, I rolled my very first villain, I'm barely out of the Zig, and some random says, "DFB?" Back when I played in the past, you had some acronyms. "LFG", "LFP", "vampires", "kraken" - there was a finite number of acronyms that basically meant, "hey, I see you're a low level, and maybe you might want to jump on this thing..." So I made the mistake of Googling DFB. You don't want to do that. Trust me, don't Google that. If you ignore my warnings and Google it anyway, don't blame me later. So... later. I figured out what DFB meant in game terms, and went on a journey with a new friend. "I'm new to DFB," I said. "It's easy," he said. And then I spent 10 minutes chasing a bunch of people around a bunch of places. It was not fun. They might have scampered off to the north! Maybe they scampered off to the south? Maybe... you know, the other compass points. "Where are you," asks the team owner. "I'm back in 1999," I say. I'm not saying this is how things should be, I'm just saying HOLY F*CK PARTNER. Where am I? Where are you? "It's easy" - dude? Easy when you've done it 100 times? So I figured out where they went and caught up. It wasn't that difficult, but seriously - ahh you know what, who cares? I did the Positron task force after this doofus booted me from the team. I'm not going to obsess because some doofus didn't like my DFB performance. I'm so happy that I can pick up this game and enjoy it 20 years later!
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