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Posts posted by fxds

  1. Ferrous_Sapien's lead post in their New PvP Exploration Badge List thread has the names and locations of all of the new Exploration badges in Bloody Bay, Siren's Call, and Warburg, as well as the names of the accompanying Accolade badges for collecting them.  It also has the Recluse's Victory badges but I see they've already been added to the spreadsheet.  There are also some screen shots further down the thread for anyone interested.


    In the hopes of making it as easy as possible to add the new badges to the spreadsheet, I'll go ahead and quote Ferrous_Sapien's info here:




    What Lurks Beyond
    -1490, -23, -1883

    -792, 2, 459

    Mostly Harmless
    -192, 96, 2064

    Burger Meister
    1948, -15, 1806

    Accolade: Bad Blood


    Hot Dog
    1472, 0, -149

    Still Standing
    -325, 191, -105

    -634, -132, 300

    Wasted Resource
    -324, 71, 1227

    Accolade: Answered the Call



    363, -57, -335

    Forcibly Evicted
    4, -64, -436

    -812, 18, -489

    Game Over
    -1178, 98, -724

    1955, 120, -338

    Accolade: Warlord


    • Thanks 2
  2. On 9/22/2019 at 1:55 PM, Redlynne said:

    It only got "left behind" simply because in order for me to produce these build posts takes MULTIPLE DAYS of free time per build in order to post them.  That's time which I can't use to be playing in game.  In this case, I just ran out of time to build a Bane counterpart.  I probably will someday, but that day is not today (or this week, likely).  I've got other priorities competing for my attention span (which is limited) and free time (which is even more limited).  Finite resources meet nigh infinite demand for those resources.

    I completely understand and I sincerely apologize if my comment sounded critical or entitled.  That was not my intention at all.  I'm one of those who, as I mentioned, has never even begun to understand how set builds are created, and as such I'm nothing but grateful to those like yourself who are generous enough to share with us the time and effort you've put into builds.  This is especially true for you in particular, as I've used several of the builds you've posted here.


    I worked in IT for more than thirty years, and on occasion I've personally encountered much the same sort of entitled attitude I've often seen directed at build/guide writers, mod creators, and similar folks who share their time and effort with the community, so I have at least some idea what it's like.  I've always tried to be careful to make sure any comments I make don't contribute to that sort of abusive atmosphere.  Apparently I failed this time, and for that I'm intensely sorry.


    Thank you for sharing your builds with the community.  We're infinitely richer for it, and not enough of us express our gratitude.

  3. Thank you for the updated build, Redlynne.  I must admit I'm sad to see the alternate Bane version of the build get left behind though.  The backpack just doesn't fit my conception of my current Huntsman so she's been using that variant.  Perhaps I'll take a stab at creating some sort of updated version of the Bane variant based on what you've done here, even though my understanding of how to create set builds is nonexistent.


    In the meantime, I found out some old friends from live are playing on a different server than I'm currently on and I've been meaning to roll a new character or three over there, which sounds like a perfect excuse to use this new hotness with which you've so kindly graced us...

  4. Has anyone tried this with the Safe Mode client?  If it works correctly there that would be valuable info for the dev team to help track down the problem. as well as good info for players so we can switch to using that client until the possible issues with the newer build process can be resolved.

  5. Thank you for the replies, I was wondering if only the Crabs get the pets, or do the Huntsmen or Banes get it as well?


    Short answer:  Banes can get a couple of pets, Crabs can get more.  Huntsmen can get whichever of those two they choose.


    Longer answer:  The basic Arachnos Soldier Training and Gadgets secondary set includes Call Reinforcements, which summons up two Arachnobot Disruptors.  All Arachnos Soldiers, regardless of build, have access to those pets because you don't lose access to your basic primary and secondary power choices when you respec at 24 and choose between Bane and Crab.  The Crab secondary additionally includes Summon Spiderlings which, as its name suggests, summons up three smaller Spiderling bots.  Obviously only Crabs have access to the Spiderlings.  A Huntsman's choice is, again, ruled by which of those two paths they chose.


    All four of the Patron Power Pools also include a pet power that summons up a single pet.  Technically any Soldier has access to these (as do most other ATs for that matter) but I don't think most Soldiers aside from the Crabberminds end up taking one.

  6. Ug. That's... unfortunate.  I'm sorry to hear that the generous time and work you and other guide authors have put in have been made just that much more inconvenient.


    In this case, are the changes to accommodate the ATOs easy to characterize?  For example, if one doesn't care about omitting the Gaussian's Build Up proc, is it just a matter of dropping the ATOs into Venom Grenade and Frag Grenade? Or are there adjustments needed in other areas of the builds to compensate for the difference in set bonuses, which would make listing the changes a pain in the butt (especially for all three builds)?

  7. Okay, potentially dumb question time.  How do I see the alternate slotting with the ATOs and whatever else?  I load the build into Pine's, go to the Slots/Enhancers menu, go to the Slots sub-menu, select Flip All to Alternate... and all the enhancers disappear, leaving a build with all the slots still there, just empty.  I've tried all three 24-50 builds just to be sure, and I've also tried loading the builds both by copying the data chunk at the end and importing it and by clicking the data link at the beginning, saving the resulting file, and manually opening it in the application.  Heck, I even tried our fine author's Peacebringer build and got the same result from it as well.


    Am I doing something wrong?  Is the alternate slotting feature just not supported via forum export?  Does Pine, whomever he or she may be, just hate me?

  8. Oh dear.  My level 37 Huntswoman has been following the version of this guide I carefully extracted from the Wayback Machine.


    First, THANK YOU!  I never played a Soldier on Live, but this is the only character since the game resurfaced that has been able to break through my inveterate altaholism and keep me playing her.  Even the re-makes of my two favorite characters from Live haven't been able to do that.


    But now I have a decision to make.  Do I respec to switch to this updated build, or do I just put the update in Build 2 so I can keep playing with the old build while I get everything purchased and slotted into the new one?  Decisions, decisions...

  9. Does anyone happen to know what, if any, limit there is on character renames?  One per character?  Some other number?  Some number per account?  I don't have anything underhanded or abusive in mind.  Just a character concept that would involve changing her name a couple of times during her journey.

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