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Posts posted by Sunbreaux

  1. Thank you so much for the advice! I swapped around the things you suggested and dropped combat jumping for super jump. Tidal Forces is a to hit buff only abilitys o I couldn't do much to change that one but I did drop some slots form it to place into other abilities. Let me know if any of these sets are going to be prohibitively expensive.


    Thanks again for the feed back!



    Defender - Cold.Water - Defender (Cold Domination - Water Blast).mbd

  2. Hi folks!


    I'm a returning player and I'm looking to make a good team friendly character to make some friends and have some fun. I don't expect to solo much at all with this one so if her offensive side is a bit lacking it's ok! I've read and reviewed other Cold/ and /Water builds but I didn't see any with that combination to really work from. Also, as a newbie, I'm broke. So I only slotted the things that seemed very important set wise as a work towards .. Getting there will be all SO > IO until I make some cash.


    Please critique!


    @Sunadora - Everlasting




    Defender - Cold.Water - Defender (Cold Domination - Water Blast).mbd

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