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  1. This is really incredible. One of the major criticisms I have about the game is it's seeming (other than the human players) lifeless nature of the environments. This definitely brings this part of the city to life. Now, we just need an overhaul of the lighting in the city. The one thing that struck me about coming back to the game is how dull the city landscape looks. No points of light, no headlights shining from vehicles, no office buildings with window lights brighter than the surrounding architecture. Very bland. I suppose it could get distracting and would cause things to be hard to see from a distance with all the bright twinkling, but that feels like an excuse to keep things as they are. But this is a great development in the city hubbub chatter department. Great stuff! Tons of potential. I'm all about advancing the base game to something better. Some suggestions. Muffle/lower (or however they sound on the street) the voices while making them slightly "echoey" against the buildings and street. Like in RL. But faking it I guess. Not sure how you would go about doing that though since this is only reading the logs, not the game's character positions. As it is, the voices are much louder than the environment of the city. Next, distance based voice chat. 🙂
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