I do enjoy looking at other people's guides for various powerset combinations but I lack the confidence to try my own, and when I do they tend to follow the same cookie-cutter layout and I get discouraged.
For example I am really keen on respeccing and kitting out my Stone/Bio/Ice Scrapper because I've really enjoyed playing the character.
So if there was a guide to 'how to build' that might give me some pointers, for example on a hybrid set like Bio what do I focus on? SR is easier because it's all defense, Bio has some resistance and some defense but also a variety of slottable secondaries (Melee AoEs, Defense, Resist, Heal, End Mod, etc)
I would like to resist always getting Combat Jumping and Tactics and doubling up with the Fighting pool, etc.
A bit of variety would be nice. But as I said I lack the confidence to build and tinker and know what I am doing.
Your help is much appreciated!