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  1. These are perfect!! thank you for understanding. I'll respec now
  2. Yes this is how we have been playing it, what the build lacks is made up for by other teammates, the runs are very scripted and as long as everyone is doing their jobs, its been very successful. I just don't have time to do the runs and still play with friends, and I'm a noob with not much money so would like to rebuild it using as much of the same enhancements as I can. And thank you both!!
  3. This build is oriented toward 4 star content and its wonderful for that. How would i reconfigure it for general use, utilizing as much of the same enhancements as are in it now? And with a flight power rather than TP? Good recovery is always a necessity for me, and thank you. I am a 2 month noob, still can't MIDs well Ice-Cold_S.mbd
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