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Posts posted by Squishee

  1. 6 hours ago, Scranker said:

    Hiya Squishee, I'll shoot ya a global friend request. I also play on Excelsior (though mostly on blueside), but almost all of my toons are either Vigilante or Rogue--so zipping over to team with you on redside won't be a prob. And I'm an Eastern Time night-owl so my play times probably synch up decently with yours.

    Thank you so much!!! 🙂

  2. Howdy y'all, 


    I have recently joined Homecoming a few weeks ago. I played CoH/CoV 2009-2011, mostly CoV. I am still trying to get my sea legs here, as there is some differences to what I remember about the original game. When I first signed up for Homecoming and installed the game, I saw two more populated servers and randomly picked one, only to find out I picked the one (Everlasting) that is more oriented towards role playing. I switched over to Excelsior server after I learned that because I am not a role player.


    I loved this game back in the day and am thrilled to be back. However, as I am sure y'all know, the game is just not populated, at least on red side, as it once was. It's pretty empty. In the couple/three weeks that I have been on Homecoming, I have found exactly 3 mission teams. I don't like to farm up on AE so I stay away from that. I prefer to level up by doing mission arcs and chasing badges and reward merits. I can tell from observing global chat that there are more folks over on blue side, but I just don't like it nearly as much as red side. 


    I am a bit shy so it doesn't come easy to me, to try reach out and make friends. I do try to greet others when I see them in game, but so far no luck making any friends. Mostly I have been soloing with my brute and he is now level 37. I registered an sg so I could make a base and store my salvage and stuff. However, it is getting pretty lonely just mostly playing solo every day. I do have one friend from another game I play who made a MM and he occasionally comes on and plays with me, but he isn't on very often. 


    If anyone would like a buddy to run missions with red side, feel free to friend me. My global is @Squishey. I live on the west coast of the US (Pacific Standard Time)  and play mostly in the afternoons and sometimes late evenings. If you have an active SG red side on Excelsior, I would be happy to add an alt there. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Happy questing y'all. 🙂

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