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Everything posted by Rahimus

  1. So from what I gather, there are a LOT of answers to this one question alone, nevermind having to account for each individual power for different combinations of Primaries, Secondaries, and circumstances. With all this in mind, I think I'll settle on Superspeed and Combat Jumping instead of my original plan of picking up Flight. Just wanted to let all of you who replied know that I appreciate the comments here. 😄
  2. Fine by me, I didn't even realize I put it in Technical Support until now lol.
  3. Good to know! Thanks for the advice! Now I'm thinking of going for Flying first, then take Jumping afterwards, ending with Speed for Hasten.
  4. As the title says, what speed power group do you prefer? Superspeed, Jumping, or Flight?
  5. Despite the title, I don't intend to solo *everything* this game has to offer. Only content such as Story Arcs and Contact quests, not, say, a Task Force, which I honestly believe to be intended for a party of 8 or so. With that in mind I have a few questions I wanna ask over both personal preference and general guidelines to follow. (Also won't really be touching Enchantment builds that much, I want to save my mental space for that at Level 50, when I have access to everything.) 1. Out of the 6 playstyles (Tank, Melee, Ranged, CC, Support, and Pets) what would you guys recommend? While I would appreciate people telling me what Primaries and Secondaries would be good, I'd rather know what to outright avoid so that I still get to choose the Primaries and Secondaries I want to mess around with without being bottlenecked into following the meta. 1.5. I call this 1.5 because it can be answered simultaneously with 1, what would you recommend for my Archetype with that role? 2. I was thinking of playing a character that makes me feel beeg and powerful. Not necessarily in the damage-department, but rather in the animations and the raw force of punching a boulder to shotgun enemies with the debris. With that being said, what would you say are powers that make you feel "Powerful"? Even if it's not necessarily that good at doing damage. My example up above was from Seismic Blast, since I played around with that for a little bit, and I do know of Titan Weapons, but I wanted to see what else made y'all feel this way of being able to complement your origin powers of Magic and Technology with the Natural power of F I S T . xd I know these questions are a bit unorthodox but it'd be nice to get some info and feedback here and there, mainly because I only messed around with War Mace, Titan Weapon, and Seismic Blast, so I wanted to further expand my horizons by looking at the other powersets, and this was simply asking for a good place to start. Thanks ahead of time if you do respond. 😄 -Rahimus
  6. After some playing with the settings mentioned in this forum, it definitely solved my issue. Thanks so much! 😄 Edit: To explain the situation now, I am able to run the game on Ultra juuuust fine after these changes, meaning I can always lower my settings if it gets a bit rough. So it's pretty good, thanks for the help y'all! 😄
  7. So run CoH alone, noted. As for Log Report, give me a second to figure out how DMing works on Forums. Edit: How do I save logs with DxDiag? "Save all Information"? Edit 2: Figured out how, and sent a DM. (This Edit is for those who came in after the DM was sent)
  8. Ok I think I found it. Chip Type: Intel(R) UHD Graphics Family DAC Type: Internal Approx. Total Memory: 4140 MB Display Memory (VRAM): 128MB IDK if this is it or not.
  9. Uhm... I forgot how to check those.
  10. The Specs: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz 2.11 GHz System Type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Not sure if I should put Device or Product ID so for safety I'm not gonna do that unless asked, and beyond that IDK what else would be important info. As for the in-game settings of CoH, I did check the advanced settings and minimized everything prior to testing, so every value is either at Very Low, or the Slider is all the way to the left, and I still encounter this issue, so I was thinking it wasn't that. (Especially given in certain areas, such as specific building interiors it's fine, but others, like the sewers, it's not.) Thanks for the help btw.
  11. My PC is normally pretty powerful, powerful enough that I can run other games that are more stressful on my PC more comfortably, yet somehow it can't handle CoH. It gets so bad that looking certain directions in Atlas Park reduces it to around 5-10, and slows my actual controls, making moving my character a struggle when it kicks in. All the while, moving and looking at certain places also brings it up to around 60. Can anyone give me recommendations for how to fix this?
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