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Posts posted by Ralphie8on

  1. OMG!!!! thank you i am sooo blind, seriously i spent like 5 - 10 min looking through all of these threads to see if it was posted somewhere and never saw it so i posted this.....I am sorry you can delete this thread now thank you for y'alls help.

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  2. I have hit lvl 41 and Can't seem to find any more powers that I feel are worth a slot.  I am Mercenary/Nature I have taken all the mercenary powers except slug.  I have taken Regrowth, Life giving Spores, Wild Bastion, Rebirth, and Overgrowth in the nature set.  My secondary power pools I have taken Flight - Hover, Fly, Group Fly, and Evasive Maneuvers.  I took Leadership - Maneuvers, Assault, and Tactics.  I am at a loss for what power sets are worth taking now, my basic strategy every combat is throw down Spores and have my pets target and kill something and rinse and repeat.  I usually go few mob sets without even firing a shot myself.

  3. Is there someone who has made a map of each zone with the territories of each enemy?  I am soo tired of jumping around each zone trying to find x number of x if there was a map to help me find the zones in which certain enemies congregate at it would be much appreciated.

  4. I don't remember any of my old friends names or our Super Group name but my main character was named Greatness, an Invulnerable super strength Tank.  If anyone on here remembers me hit me up my global now is @Lord Valentine

  5. WOW!!!! Thank you all for your help.  I know I sound pretty new but it has been like 20 years since i last played the game, once I was informed it had come back I HAD to jump back in since this is the game i met my wife on.

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  6. So I just started the game a few days ago and made a Merc/Nature Mastermind.  I hit lvl 12 tonight and have a few questions.  When do I get to summon my 3rd soldier?  Should I be buying enhancements to keep them at green lvl?  If I do buy them what is the best enhancements for the powers?

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Oubliette_Red said:


    Everyone has their own preference regarding slotting enhancements. I tend to slot origin-appropriate SO's that drop and sell other origin SO's in the Auction House (in case you do not know, you can access it by typing /ah in chat). DO's I sell to a vendor. The same goes for buying SO's, I'll look in the AH for ones that fit my needs as they tend to be cheaper than buying from a vendor.


    As for enhancements for builds, you'll want to look down in the Archetype section of the forums, people will likely have posted the powerset combo you have and their slotting setup, though usually it's their L50 build and enhancement sets, though many of the posters can be pretty thorough and will provide details on what they suggest slotting at the earliest possible level.



    Thank you for replying but I do not know what a SO or DO is.

  8. I just hit level 11 and the only enhancements i am using are the ones dropped.  So I have a few questions about them.  First, Should I be buying them?  Second, What levels should I try to maintain them at?  Like 3 levels above me at all times or can they drop a little below my level?  Lastly, is there somewhere like a post or something that has best enhancements for builds?

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