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Posts posted by Modeus

  1. Thanks MoonSheep, appreciate the help. I guess the only other thing is that it sounds awesome that the Ill/Rad can solo big challenges? (if that's still true, I'm struggling with the CoH googling info showing very old articles etc.)


    Is that something the other controllers can do or is that limited mostly to an Ill/Rad?

  2. I don't have as many hours to play as I used to, but I have some friends joining the game with me and I'd like to make some potent choices if that's possible. Controller gameplay seems like it might be fun, if it can punch out enough damage to be formidable? Mostly I'll be in a mix of small teams and some soloing, if that narrows down the choices. I enjoy control, but not support - if that makes any sense. 


    All that said, currently chewing on Ill/Rad or Dark/Dark? I see some mentions of plants being in a great place also. Should I be considering anything else? Or am I heading in the wrong direction with my first thoughts. 


    Appreciate any pointers.

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