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  1. ahhhhhhh i had a feeling it was something like that with the formation but didn't want to interrupt , so i stood on the side probably missed when they went around, will definitely attend again , was cool to be there , when will we see the pics/how that the admins took? i think i was in the group pic
  2. Can someone explain to me how it works? i was there but confused on what was happening / how it worked, want to know for next time also admin took pics but i am not sure where to find them?
  3. still wrong AGAIN, please read my notes he disappeared righter AFTER the mission " "smuggle VIP through the tunnels" (a mission where the CROW is following me, with the last mission goal beiing find the exist while he was still ALIVE) As SOON as i left the exit area it said report to contact with NO contact, and the exit door didn't allow me back in , And then i finally talked to cole , who's next mission objective was to MEET crow , apparently there are 3 ways to break it now
  4. i am brand new to this game, no idea what missions is 2 blood widows, all i know i was doing "smuggle VIP through the tunnels", SPECIFACLLY and he disappeared after i left the tunnel when the mission said to find the exit, it just said return to contact with no contact on themap, i decided to do a mission for cole to see it would fix the the after i did the mission it said to meat crow, went to the spot still not there, NO idea what the mission "2 Blood Widows" First time hearing about it Maybe i accidently found a 2nd way to break it? (once again brand new i have no idea what mission 2 blood widows is and that does NOT sound like anything i did) i don't think i "killed" him per se, i think it glitched because i left the tunnels before he did so he never got to "escape" with me
  5. Hello i am a newer player and this happened to me, i played the original city of heroes 20 years ago for a few hours but that was it, When i read that rogue would you be a hero eventually i decided to start there , I think i did find at least for me what mission he died on that caused it to break (me doing the quest in this odd order was completely on accident i had no idea this could happen) I did mission "smuggle VIP through the tunnels", on the last bit it says to find the exit and the crow is following me, i think it left the area before crow could escape causing him to "die" And i cant go back into the area , just says not possible, and the mission , just says task complete return to contact (with i think is the crow that i left behind without realizing)
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