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Posts posted by Know1

  1. Superjump is my favorite travel power, but I find I am moving to superspeed on almost all my toon.  I find that I like the stealth aspects more than the movement advantage.

    I get athletic run (or variant) and sprint in the tutorial. If I could slot end red in athletic run I would use it more in  missions, but it runs my end down too much to keep on while fighting.  I pick up superspeed at lv 4, and can get around very well with it and the mini superjump from athletic run,  and at level 12 slot a stealth proc in it and from then on I can stealth missions, or position myself next to mobs so for example my cone attack will hit the most people.

    I buy one of the permanent flight powers when I get a free million on the character for getting abound in the bumpier places and grabbing badges.


    I need to try out infiltration and see if I like it.

  2. I am interested in setting up a second account, so I can try out dual boxing, but I can not figure out how to make a second account without creating a second email to attach it to.  Am I missing something, or do I just need to make a new email account to be able to do this?

  3. I was on the Scorpion arc team, it was good fun, and we all got to work on those debt badges, you know how hard they are to get on brutes.  So thanks Ronin 😛

  4. It could have gone better. On the other hand, I was able to solo my arsenal/rad cont to lv 9 in less than two hours.  Much faster than back in live.  Also arsenal is interesting,  slow but very very safe, I don't think that any of the one or two sized groups I fought did even a single point of damage to me.


    I was on from 5 to 7ish, and never saw any messages in the chat group. I will go back and check my chat logs to see if I missed anyone.  The  best way to contact me is @Know1.   Globals can sometimes be finicky creatures.


    Also, we can do a general pugish gather and do stuff group, or we can make up set themed groups where we make toons that run as a set group, generally once a week.  The set groups theme can be tighter or looser than the main SG.  For example, at some point, I would like to make a fire/rad controller set team, since I had so much fun playing that on live, where everyone has to be a fire/rad controller.  But an all controller, a "one of each", where everyone must play a different archetype, or an only epic set team could also be great fun to do. 


    What I would like is to be able to do both, having a couple of set teams I am working on at any given time while getting the whole SG together and running something from time to time.  But this will require more people than we have right now, so think of this as a longer time goal.  


    So for now, I am going to work on getting people into the SG so we can do stuff.  So join the global "The Jolly Green Glow", and if you see me on I'll get you invited to the SG, anyone in the SG can invite so if you see anyone else on the global, they may be able to get you into the SG.   If you get into the SG, I left a bunch of lv 10 IOs in the base, feel free to grab any you need.


    I'm not sure about when time would be best to try again.  I was thinking of Saturday or Sunday evenings since I'm I don't have to go to work on Sunday and Monday.  When would be a good time for others?  

  5. Tonight (Feb 28th) is the night, the supergroup starts up at 6 cent on Torchbearer.  I made a post about it on the Torchbearer forums, which will be the official home board for it going forward.

    I hope to see some of you tonight.

  6. Tonight (Feb 28th) is the night, the supergroup starts up at 6 cent on Torchbearer.  I made a post about it on the Torchbearer forums, which will be the official home board for it going forward.

    I hope to see some of you tonight.

  7. Tonight (Feb 28th) is the night, the supergroup starts up at 6 cent on Torchbearer.  I made a post about it on the Torchbearer forums, which will be the official home board for it going forward.

    I hope to see some of you tonight.

  8. Tonight (Feb 28th) is the night, the supergroup starts up at 6 cent on Torchbearer.  I made a post about it on the Torchbearer forums, which will be the official home board for it going forward.

    I hope to see some of you tonight.

  9. Hello Torchbearer.  I am starting up a themed SG today (Feb 28th) at 6pm Cent time.  It is open to anyone who can have the power Accelerate Metabolism, thus it is open to radiation controllers, corruptors, defenders and masterminds.  We have a global "The Jolly Green Glow", and a barebones SG base, with some of the trimmings.  Any who want to join in on the AM madness, feel free to make an alt and park it in the base, and jump on for pickup or set groups to experience the game in overdrive.

  10. I created the global channel The Jolly Green Glow to use to keep track of this SG.  I was thinking about meeting up at Wed (28th) at 6 cent to get started and people in the SG.  So I will be on that Wed to invite anyone who can make it, and announce to the server that we exist so we can see if we can get some players that way.

  11. I made a character, Scout R (Merk/Rad MM), on Torchbearer.  I started a base, put in my basic IO storage system I use in all my bases, and grabbed different Teleport systems, but I'll have to look into them to see how they work, and how many we need to set up to have access to everywhere. 

    Anyone who wants to decorate the base feel free, right now it is just a big open space. 


    Contact me at @Know1 and I'll invite you to the supergroup.


    After we get up and running, I'll make a post about it on the Torchbearer forums, and we will use that to keep in touch.  I assume that any set groups we make will also make a post there, and use that post to keep connected.  I found that that worked pretty well when we did it that way on live.


    I'll make at least 3 more Rads and bring them into the SG, that way I have one of each to play, plus any that get made for set groups.  I feel my altitus is acting up again.

  12. One of my favorite memories from back in live was when my all fire/rad controller team was trick or treating when a Ritiki invasion began. We just stood there  chatting away as everything that showed up was held, cooked, and ripped apart by a hoard of sped-up murder monkeys.


    So I was thinking about getting the band back together.  The secret sauce was accelerate metabalism.

    I was thinking about starting a supergroup that requires AM to be a member, that would include controllers, coruptors, defender, and masterminds.  


    First question, anyone else interested in doing this?
    If so, preference for server?  My preference would be for Torchbearer, but its not a strong one.

    Name of supergroup? I was thinking The Jolly Green Glow.

    What would be a good time for you to play for 2 to 4 hours at a time?  For me, I am free 4 pm to 8 pm Tue-Fri, 4 till on Sat and all day Sun and Mon.


    I would love if this got hundreds who were interested and I could log on almost any time and get a pickup group of AMers. But in reality, if I get a couple of set groups that are meeting to play together once or twice a week I would consider it a great success.


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  13. Nice, I did not know that there was a command to invite alts.  That will save me some trouble. 

    Another question I had is, If I set up each toon with its own superbase, and then put all my toons into a coalition (is there the equivalent to /altinvite for coalition)  can I set it up so that any toon can use any base, or will each be limited to his own base for storing and getting salvage, recipes, and enhancements

  14. I was going to make a second account, because based on previous experience I will fill up all my main account slots with ats, and I want all my toons on a given server to be mostly in the same supergroup and if I have a second account I can do invites and shuffling without bothering anyone else.

    I saw that multiboxing is allowed thus I guess multiple accounts, but when I try to make a new account, it recognises my email and will only let me reset my password.


    So do I need to make a new email address to make a second account?


    I'm not sure how much of the multiboxing applies since I would never be playing the toons together, just having both on for  a couple of minutes to do invites, but I would avoid doing that when the server is red.  Any other rules I need to know about?


  15. My suggestion is X/rad controllers.  Fire/rad is the traditional one, but if you can get your friends to make a team of rads to play together, you will quickly and funly stroll thru the game.

  16. Greetings all.  I was a player on Champions from day 1 till the servers went down.   I am very glad it's back.

    My Global was Honcho and my main was Living Coal (fire/fire) tank.  I was running the Farstriders SG and I remember teaming with BOSS players  a good bit.  Now I am off to create about a million alts.  Shiny shiny new powersets.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  17. Hello all.  I played starting from the first day till the servers shut down.  I was very delighted to find that the game was back, but I expected to see the forum filled with returners posting about who they were back in the day so we could find old friends.  So, is there any chance we can get an introductions forum where people could do that without clogging up the main forums.

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