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Posts posted by nickowow

  1. I had just finished a heroic morality mission (the one where you save Blast Furnace). When I exited, I noticed the chat log didn't have any messages about reward merits, and when I looked in my inventory, I couldn't find the 40 reward merits that were supposed to drop. I'm just confused because I've done these morality missions plenty of times to get reward merits while soloing, and never encountered this issue (to my recollection). Not sure what went wrong or if there's anyway to get back those merits? 

  2. So I was recently told that boosts to secondary effects are supposed to boost defense, and I noticed that in the "detailed information" section of Adrenal Boost from the new Experimental pool, it notes a boost to defense. However, despite having a defense toggle that would theoretically be buffed, when I pop Adrenal Boost my defense doesn't budge. Is this a bug and I'm supposed to be getting defense? Or is there a typo in the description and it's not supposed to boost defense anyway?

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