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Posts posted by trace

  1. Okay I found something.


    Vertical Sync I think is being Enabled/Disabled somehow when zoning. Vertical Sync should only limit to 60 but it is for whatever reason limiting frames to only 30.


    The reason I say it is Vertical Sync is that my Refresh Rate matches the same numbers I get if Vertical Sync is Enabled in Options. It doesn't show it being Enabled in options but performance numbers are identical.

  2. The framerate almost seems locked at 30fps randomly. It happens often when zoning. The game is running fine at 60fps with only 40-60% GPU utilization then bam 30fps with even fewer resources utilized. Yes, it is driver optimization since they are RTX cards but something else seems to be going on with 30fps since this happens often for me when loading new zones, maps, etc.


    Anyone else experience?

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