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  1. i see.....:( but whats the point of a SG and base except to store your inspirations and salvage. i thought for sure it would be same like in the old days...even if its free2play now thanks a bunch for the response
  2. So since after the revival of the game CITYofHEROES/CITYofVILLAINS from the 2014 NCSOFT worldwide server shutdown, I have been back on the game playing. The thing that stuck out to me is got me wanting to get a question answered. DOES the Super Group no longer require players that are in SG mode to accumulate PRESTIGE anymore? I have been in SG mode when i start a new day of playing but none of the INFAMY/INFLUENCE goes toward it, but i have paid BASE UPKEEP. Did they do away with prestige or am i doing it wrong
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