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Everything posted by BruwtForce

  1. @Sovera I get that using the market is better for making influence, I followed your guide yesterday starting with around 1000 influence, and by the end of the day I was up to 80 mil with over 200 mil of conversions up for sale. I just like to have a farming character for the times I don't want to sit and play with the market, or run teams. Plus like you say, having a farmer available to PL your alts past the painful boring levels is always nice. However, I appreciate your input. thank you. I used to run a fire/kin controller back on the old live servers, but from what I've read, Brute is pretty much the way to go now. So much info on these forums, spread over a number of years, its hard to tell whats current and relevant, and whats now out-dated. Rad/Fire Brute seems to be the way to go right now - at least as far as I can tell.
  2. @HelenCarnate @mistagoat Might seem like a stupid question, but for somebody that's just coming back to the game since it was shutdown moons ago, and is basically starting over, but wants a farming build in their set of AT's to get the ball rolling - what's the best way to level one up. The question is based more around @mistagoat's comment where Rad/Fire isn't great for standard content. Do you leveling by farming from a certain level, 1, 10, 25? Or is it assumed that you level normally through missions, teams etc.
  3. @Sovera Thank you, you're help has been greatly appreciated.
  4. @Sovera Thank you for that, you're explanations helped a lot in terms of my understanding. This is exactly what I was looking for. If you get time, a cheap IO build with cheap sets included would also be very beneficial. I did notice that on the build you posted above, the resistance went down from mid-upper 60's down to upper 40's for smashing and lethal primarily. Isn't that an issue, especially with low defense. I know a lot of people tend to build around capping defenses at 45%, as opposed to capping resistances at 75%, but this seems to have the worst of both worlds. Maybe that's where the set pieces come in, and why virtually nobody puts beginner full IO builds together. Anyway, thank you again. It gives me a better direction to move in.
  5. Modified the build a bit. Removed Hover (might put it back in after 50 as it's a prime slot for a Luck of the Gambler), which allowed me to take Voltaic Sentinel. Then re-assigned some of the endurance reduction slots from a bunch of the low endurance toggles (such as tough, weave, etc.) to allow voltaic sentinel to gain a full 6 slots. That does increase the endurance drain to 2.4/s, but it's still under the recovery rate of 3.8/s - also, there are a bunch of Elec powers slotted for endurance modification which should also help keep endurance topped up (guessing at this point, as this is now more of a theory learning build for me). Final change was to move some of the powers around. A lot of the damage skills were being taken way too late in the build, so they have been moved so they are taken earlier - a bit of a trade off as some of the utility skills (tough, weave, hasten, etc.) got pushed back to later levels. The defensive powers also got a little more spread out and moved around (alpha barrier, fallout shelter, and proton armor specifically). My reasoning being that a dead enemy is no threat - so I'd rather have the offence earlier and live on the edge a little. Dunno, think this is what I'm going to go with and give this a try - looks semi-solid on paper for an IO build. Plus, it will allow me to try out and play with all of the powers from both the primary and secondary tree. From there I can decide what powers I like, what I can live without. The only other thing that I'm not quite certain about is endurance usage - I may end up slotting more for some endurance reduction instead of endurance modification, but until I play it, I won't know how bad the sustain is. Cheap IO Sentinel v2 (Electrical Blast - Radiation Armor).mbd
  6. I know, I can't even seem to find an Elec/Rad build posted anywhere for some reason. I've seen YouTube videos of people playing them, but they don't show how they are slotted. I have no idea if this build is decent or not, I just played around with Mids and tried to balance numbers and powers. I really wanted to take the pet, but ran out of slots. I could drop hover or tough I guess - not sure how useful 10% defence would be, but something is better than nothing I guess. Mainly why I posted the build, was hoping for some constructive feedback, but most people are only interested in the decked out set builds.
  7. Haven't played since COH was shutdown many moons ago, so I'm very out of touch (especially with any changes Homecoming has made). Trying out an Elec/Rad sentinel (I used to play mainly controller and decided to try something new), so not sure if this build would even work - willing to learn from those more proficient in the AT. Goal of the build was to put one together to get me to 50 using cheap (cheapish) IO's that are easily crafted and accessible. Based on the understanding that I'm starting from a zero-influence base. Fully intend to respec once influence is gained after I've farmed/played the market after I hit 50. Never played with mids before (as in making my own build, and I'm assuming that any more than 2 IO's of say damage/accuracy etc.. goes over the cap (I think that's how it used to be, and mids still seems to show a % over 100 in red if I try and slot say three damage IO's into a skill. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this. Not concerned with Accolades or Incarnate powers at this point - just a basic leveling build to get me to 50 as cheaply as possible. I mainly solo but will occasionally team up - build was designed around a solo experience. Any advice, changes, suggestions welcome - or does this look solid for an IO build? Little concerned with the lack of defence (10.1% across the board), and the cold/psionic resistances. The rest of the resistances are fairly high for an IO build I think. Can't seem to get Mids to export in forum format, so I just included the mdb file as an attachment. Cheap IO Sentinel (Electrical Blast - Radiation Armor).mbd
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