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  1. Looking for an electric/electric build that is NOT 2+ yrs old. I would try to build one myself, but I did and anything I try sucks (I am not a mid Builder). I would like it to have Combat jumping, Super Speed & Hasten. The rest is up to the builder. Thank you in advance.
  2. Thank you everyone for your input and ideas, Some great information given here. From all the responses I think I have a gameplan now of the way I want the tank build to go. 🙂 btw @Xandyr -- who is @zect, or was that an inside joke that I did not get? Anyways thanks again for the help all. 🙂
  3. Thank you for your input. I made the changes you spoke about (shown below), however it seems like with some of the changes I actually lose some s/l, & c/f, Def, and a bit of e/n & F/c resistance. Maybe I did not put the changes in the right slots? Also I was unable to place Gaussian's Synchronized Fire Resistance: Chance for build-up when I did the changes. Is that not needed or am I missing something? Thanks again for the advice you have already given, If there is anything else you can think of, or anything I missed on the changes please let me know. Jokerace My Tanker (Bio Armor - Dark Melee) 2.mbd
  4. After playing brute's mainly and going by other people's builds.. I decided I wanted to make a "true" tanker and came up with this build. I would appreciate any feed back in ways you think I could make it better or went wrong in my thinking when building it. Thank you in advance, Jokerace My Tanker (Bio Armor - Dark Melee).mbd
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