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Posts posted by Trixstir

  1. Thanks again you two for the info. now back to enjoying the level ups and story. Can't wait to have to learn how all the end game stuff works out looks like a lot. Burn on for now tell our paths cross again.

  2. Thanks a bunch was up for 3-4 hours longer than planned to be looking at threads and others builds.  Think i had a tab open with this and closed it and forgot about it a lot of questions answered looking there. But last big question would be for group content is there a major threat of pulling agro if you are playing the up close melee aoe stuff? I thought that was the reason to play a fire/fire blaster but seeing a lot of more ranged builds with like hover that i thought would be hard to get burn and stuff like that off but I may be wrong. But one of the reasons i didn't play long at launch was sad that my friend a fire/fire tank afked and i had to sit there and solo while he tanked whole mission while i tried to kill it lol

  3. So returning (pretty much new) Spent 3 hours just trying to look at builds at start planning, I guess it really don't mater since I can respec and probably want something a bit different while leveling. But has not much changed and all the 4+ year info is still about what it is for this build. been pretty crazy to see the differing amount of builds people have come up with.  But ya hopping I am not to crazy picking this for some group content . Just remember playing one back at launch and was sad because friend at the time was a Fire/Fire tanker and would afk while I played by self killing everything he pulled lol 

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