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  1. The class is reminiscent of a certain movie you guys know well with the black parasite or a pink one from a favorite anime series. The idea of its abilities mechanically is that the player would attach to a host whether enemy or ally for a certain length of time ( if an enemy then the player would control it like normal but with limited abilities and it has to be organic; if a player then you will use abilties on or around the player to support the team). It will be unique from most of the classes in the game but also it will play as a support class. So I would imagine, the player whos getting bonded to will get a prompt to allow it to latch on, then when the other player gets on the host, the host will still be in control but with extra features and abilities. When the host is defeated, the Symbiont takes over for a brief period of time before it detaches and becomes blob form again, lets go with 2 minutes. While in blob form, it has the ability to shapeshift into any "organic" enemy. So mechanical enemies don't count. I am not sure about supernatural enemies like ghosts or demons as such, maybe they were organic so in some sense it might be possible to shapeshift. While shapeshifted there is limited abilities as well because blobs can't use magic or shoot beams of light and such. That's my idea of the class. I had to get it out so i won't think about it.
  2. Well visually in my head I was thinking about comic books when heroes leave a streak. So when i was thinking, why would an AoE be circular or that there has to be targets when it can be a linear AoE that has an aesthetic flashy flair to the ability like the Speed Ability and be used in fights it could even have a knock back because it would also be a type of tackle but in an energy form. But I may be overthinking this, I was just in my headspace to be like visualization, it looking cool. Plus the beam isn't going to be on the field long, its just energy, it'll fade after 2 seconds. Why just the pews or the booms, when you can have.... FROOM.
  3. So the ability is called Warp Beam. It's when you use teleportation from one spot to another leaving a damaging streak of energy for a short time, probably about 3 seconds. The beams damage would depend on how far you would go and the consumption of endurance will be heavy. If it a very short distance it would become a Warp Ball,( probably be very OP and could get abused). The beam itself can be effected by an enchantment to give it a type any type of damage except toxic or bleed. An evolution of this ability perhaps for this could be Instant Warp Beam which could be applied 3 times but weaker than the previous with the same type of energy consumption.
  4. !. Trailing Sparkling Aura Effect. 2. Rainbow Hair. 3. (Forgot idea, may edit.)
  5. I see some greek and roman, but where's the Egyptian sauce!
  6. So i found one browsing around. It's called perchance. https://perchance.org/ai-text-to-image-generator
  7. is bumping allowed ? i made an edit on my first post.
  8. This might be a out of no where, but vehicles as a travel power like a helicopter or tank. LOL imagine flying tanks all over the place. oh and wall running (not wall crawling as it's dangerously close to a certain popular Arachne's power).
  9. For me since i like music and pets, I would like to see backup dancers or singers for support. -- Edit: Ideas for new pet type and Luck power sets. An Law Enforcer set of powers: (Parallel to Thugs) 1. Handcuffs - Stun (To be edited) 2. Summon 2 Rookie Law Enforcers - Pets 3. Stun Grenade 4. Enforcement Training - Buff 5. Call for Back-up - Summon 4 Heavily Armed Riot members or 8 Law Enforcers for a limited time. 6. Gear up ( Arm pets with some riot gear) 7. Summon Enforcer Agent armed with pistols with the ability to call for back-up. ( Summon 8 police officers or 4 Heavily Armored Riot Squad) A Luck Based Powerset that deals damage using various types of damage depending on chance. Special choice set : Choose either a set type of damage or random type damage. 1: Shuffle Attack * Deals light to heavy random type damage to an enemy to a random debuff. 2: Stroke of Luck " Heals an Ally and gives a random Buff. 3: Entropy Roll* An AoE that deals random debuffs and random type damage to enemies. 4: Karma's Kiss. * A cone AoE that affect a group of enemies with a random debuff. 5: Dice Play * An AoE that uses infamy to deal light to heavy random type damage on enemies 6: Risky Roulette * A Large AoE that effects both allies and enemies, giving 6 buffs or/and debuffs to each participant. (buffs and debuff will last 6 minutes. 7: Lucky 7s * Gives Team 7 random buffs. ( Buffs are random for each ally and will last 7 minutes. ) Luck based Mastermind pets. 1: Summon Game Host/Hostess - Will Deal random type Damage or Heal based off probabilty from 10%-50% once every 7 minutes. 2: Rig the Tables . - Buffs Pet 3. Card Shuffle - Deals light to heavy attacks on a group of enemies 4. Summon Dealer - Will deal buffs to allies or debuffs based of probabilty 5. Summon Muse - Will heal and buff allies 6. The House Wins - Buffs Pets Stats and effects from cone to self AoE 7. Summon the Game Master - Affects odds of Host and Dealer to do Damage as well as summon 3 Security Detail with guns.
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