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About DeeplyDippy

  • Birthday 09/07/1969
  1. Thanks for the feedback, will take a look at those powers and give them a try. With regards MM, not stuck on FF at all, but it seems bubbling has changed alot since OG 🙂 If I play a MM, I would like to be useful in groups other than just providing extra dps with pets. FF came to mind as it was really the only bubbler back in the day and it appears to be far from the case now, given your advice re controller builds. So yes, I would really like a MM that can help keep the group alive/provide what is most needed by groups if that makes sense) but it doesnt have to be FF, it seems 🙂
  2. First off, I know you're all probably sick to death of these requests but you guys seem to give great advice. I have taken a look through (as best I can) posts, but there are so many, and none that I've seen are what I am after. I used to play FF/empathy (IIRC) plus a controller, OG, loved to bubble and heal, playing support all the way, or CC when needed instead - I had a great guild that was active, and I have always played some support role or other (healer/buffer/CC) in so many MMOs. However, since those days I have inherited a bone disease (some get money, some property, I'm just extra lucky!) which means I suck at things like melee, moving into melee range and then out of it again (I suck at using a controller, so it's mouse and keypad for me). I created a MM - demons/nature (on Excelsior) and I am enjoying her. I was invited into an Ouro group and found myself forgetting I had pets and spent my time debuffing and healing (with my pathetic heal at lvl 6, ranked up to 40+ but still...) and LOVED IT. It was hectic, it felt like everyone had pets - so many it made me worry that I could never play a CC doing an event like that. I am guildless, can never guarantee how long I'll be on (pain suck), but hope to join more groups when I get a bit higher so I can be of some use. With a caveat that I know I can just make a new char if the current one isn't right, but pain and lack of time means I want to keep this to a minimum. I am also one of those people who do every quest, take their time, but also like to follow builds/guides so I know I'm not fing up, this leads me to my questions: Would it have been better to go with a ?/FF Mastermind to be of better use when grouping, and if so, which pet works best with FF? OG, defenders and controllers struggled to solo if they wanted a build that would be useful later. Is that still the case? What powersets would you guys recommend, for both the Defender and Controller, knowing that melee and mixing melee and ranged will be difficult for me? And last but not least, if you guys know of any builds for what you recommend, if you could link that would be amazing - I do have the Mids Planner. Thanks so much in advance. Deeply
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