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King Lizard

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Posts posted by King Lizard

  1. I've been sitting around these past few weeks, trying to think of ways to reinvigorate the costume creator. There are the obvious solutions of just introducing more pieces, which would be great, obviously. However, there may be a better, overall solution entirely: let us double up on costume pieces in particular slots. Stay with me now...


    What I mean by this, is that if we're allowed to equip multiple items to a single slot, we can multiply how many combinations of costume pieces there are. This may sound ridiculous on the surface, but with shoulders alone, there are several items that aren't necessarily shoulder items. Imagine being able to have a spiked collar AND shoulder pads. Additionally, even items that do occupy the same area could benefit: suddenly you could pair the Imperial Defense gloves with the Spiked gloves to give a unique, more aggressive look. Not everything will work, obviously, as several items have parts that have the same geometry, which means their obnoxiously overlapping textures will give off that clipping-based flicker. 


    Still, on the whole, it would result in more horn/have combinations, back piece options, gloves, boots, so on and so forth. I'm sure I'm overlooking something and someone has quite likely already had this idea, but I couldn't find it after 45 minutes of searching so... Here ya' go 😅


    Prepares for onslaught of reasons why this is dumb...

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