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Posts posted by energizing_ion

  1. As others have said already, the secondary effects are not great; especially in the high/end game content. 


    Elec. Blast always looked weak, dmg wise, compared to others but I haven't really played it myself too much so I can't speak to it personally.  I'm just echoing what others have said already.  :)

  2. 3 hours ago, Seigmoraig said:

    There is nothing in CoH that is more purposefully bad than a petless MM. I mean there is literally no reason to do it other an give yourself a hard time.
    I mean it's not even something that most people would think of doing unless they saw it on the forums it's so bad and weird of a concept and even then you need to find guides and brainstorm how to even make it function...

    There is a reason, if you wanted whip attacks, the only way you get them is with the Demon Summoning power set.  Petless Demon Summoning and you get to have whip attacks.

    • Confused 1
  3. Ninja/TA MM would probably be the worst to play with for sure...if not, definitely in the top 5.  I did a Ninja/Dark MM back on live and it worked but was still painful. 


    Another painful combo would be, and is, TA/A Defender.  I had one on live and solo'ing was painful!  :(  Soooo slow...granted, on teams he was okay (had more primary powers than attacks) but yeah...just bad...

  4. Yeah was working on getting my 2nd acct's toon to have Karsis unlocked last night, on the last mission when I went to bed.  Right now would be a perfect time for me as I have an all-hands company meeting for ~2 hours...so plenty of time to play but the servers are down. :(

  5. Maybe have Recall Friend and Teleport Foe the same power; name it something different possibly but allow it to tp both friends and enemies alike.  That will free up a 'slot' for an attack type of power in the Teleport pool.  Also, somehow make this recall friend/tp foe power able to teleport pets (escort/rescue missions) so that you don't need to use the walk temp power to make sure you don't lose the escort (roll eyes), or worry about having the escort get stuck on a wall/ceiling.


    The Presence, Medicine (along w/Teleport obviously) power pools need help too as others have already given suggestions.

    • Like 1
  6. There's no mini-map graphic/pic of the bomb locations is there? 

    I know when solo'ing this I couldn't find all bombs before AV died so now running through this arc and got to this mission again with a diff. character...


    I figured when I did it the first time I had the mission set to -1x0 and no AVs/etc...so though that Penny died fast because of that...so this time I set the mission to AVs, +1, etc...but still can't find all 5 bombs.  I had to quit to desktop before AV died.  Grr..


    Can find 4 bombs but the 5th one is elusive; even having a key bound to search/target "Bomb" doesn't help...is there a way to target only 'active' (non-clicked on) bombs?  Does the targetcustomnextalive Bomb work?  hmm

  7. Yeah, I've done all of his arcs through Ouro before (starting at the beginning of course) but now I realized I missed a few badges so I was trying to go through them again.  I can't seem to get an actual mission if I start with the 2nd arc...so maybe I have to re-do the first story arc? 

  8. Hello all,


    So I've done all of Mr. G's story arcs and noticed I missed some badges so I am trying to re-do them now; however, I'm running into an issue.  I'm trying to do the 2nd story arc from him (Sweeps Week) through Ouroboros but after I select the "Accept settings" option, it acts like I'm in the SF like a normal Ouro arc and the Ouro crystal option is there to "teleport to contact".


    I click that but there's no contact and there's no mission for me to do....I've tried logging out and back in, dropping the TF/SF and then accepting it again but to no avail.


    Thoughts?  Do I need to do the first story arc (Criminals of War) first; even though it's in Ouro?

  9. On 2/22/2020 at 3:14 PM, Ulysses Dare said:

    Just got this one this morning and, like others here, it took me several tries. The aggravating thing is there's nothing particularly hard about getting the badge—there are just several steps you have to take which aren't readily apparent. So, in the interest of helping others, here's my lessons:


    1) When you first talk to Vincent the mission text mentions three other NPCs you can talk to:  Vince Dubrowski, Lorenz Ansaldo or Diviner Maros. You can only chose one of the three. I picked Vince.

    2) Before entering the first mission go talk to whichever contact you want to run with.

    3) Upon entering the mission there is a radio on the ground right inside the door. It's below eye level and doesn't have the glowie sound so it's easy to overlook. You have to use this to talk to your contact in order to spawn the mission objective they want you to pursue. For Vince this was to defeat a named character.

    4) According to the mission text only Maros has an objective in the second mission. I can confirm that Vince does not.

    5) Talk and use the radio for the third and fourth missions. For Vince these were both to find the glowie.

    6) For the fifth mission, even though you won't be prompted to talk to your contact, go talk to them anyway. They should promise to help you. If they don't, you probably missed one of their missions.

    7) Once inside the fifth mission, use the radio just like before. Your contact will show up and fight by your side—even inside the blood gem. You get the badge once this mission is complete. Important: You have to actually summon the contact in order to get the badge. Despite what ParagonWiki implies, completing their side missions  is not sufficient.

    Awesome info...I got afraid I did something wrong when I got into the 2nd mission and the radio didn't work for me!  *whew*


    I chose Lorenz as my helper as Vince doesn't show up at all in the zone.  I took an Ouro story arc that he gives and "teleport to contact" and I get zoned to Sharkhead but there is no Vince anywhere....



    Edited:  Okay, so it looks like you HAVE to talk to the secondary contact first BEFORE you enter the mission(s).  I got to the 3rd mission and the radio didn't work.  I quit the TF and restarted and then talked to Lorenz  before I entered the 3rd mission and the radio worked.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. I like the enhancement upgrade feature; however, like others have said, I will never use it as I always just pl a new toon/alt of mine up to at least lvl 22 or 27 for lvl 25 or 30 common IOs.  I never buy TO/DO/SOs and almost never use any of them (with the rare case where I have green SOs and don't feel like making common IOs, I'll slot the SO in until I stop being lazy).


    I'd like to see it expanded in a way so that when you want to boost multiple IOs, you can say "boot this IO with these 5 boosters" or a "use these 6 catalysts to combine them with the 6 IOs in this power" type of thing.


    Baby steps. :)

    • Like 1
  11. Without any testing myself, I'd have to agree with Hjarki to an extent.  This whole powerset doesn't really appeal to me.  The powers that I'd "skip" would be the rez and Amp Up.  It'd be 'nice' to have the multi-rez but doesn't happen very often so....


    I think this set is better as a secondary....*shrugs*.  I am curious how Faraday Cage works though.  I'm curious of 2 things: does this grant all buffs to yourself too?  and secondly: let's say I cast the power, everyone gets the buff...do they lose it when they leave the area of location or does it last for 4 mins and 5s outside the area location?  Can you stack it (doubtful)?

  12. 2 questions after using this a bit last night and this morning...


    1.)  What are the Favorite badges section?  Is there a way to remove that section or add a badge that I'd want to track progress on or something?

    2.)  When I'm on my badging toon, Energizing Ion, and see a badge in the list that I don't have, I don't see how to get that badge like it shows in the first picture in this post.  Is there something wrong or some file I'm missing?


    Thanks, it's a great tool! 🙂



    EDIT:  Oh, I re-read some posts and noticed that the details for the badges are only for the Accolades and not the individual badges...so I think I answered my own question there.  Still have #1 that I'm curious about though...  :)

  13. My problem with my Grav/Time is something that Drazah mentioned in a way...


    Do I focus on my Grav powers to try and lock down mobs or do I buff teammates/debuff enemies?  They're so many powers to choose from!


    And, also like Drazah, it seems that the teams I get in steamroll most of the content (even at +4) that my Grav powers aren't used as much so I usually stick with debuffing and buffing with the Time powers.  Occasionally I'll actually get to use Wormhole but that's it.... :|


    Not sure what I want to do with him build wise yet...


    If I solo'd more, I'd probably go with the build listed here as I do enjoy powers that most don't like (Dimension Shift, etc...).



  14. Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions all!  :)


    I'm fine with pretty much any travel power beyond TP, wasn't thinking when I originally typed my post as it seems most of my toons have flight as the travel now.  But yeah, since I'll be on the ground/melee most of the time, CJ/SJ works better.    :)


    I'm curious about if I put the Entomb: Rchg/Chance for +Absorb proc in Poison Trap...would that have a chance of proc'ing and giving me (and teammates?) absorb/health?  Would it proc and heal the baddies (assuming no but....)?


    Lots of options here and I like it. :)

  15. Hello all!


    I've been wanting to make a toon with the Poison powerset recently and think I've decided on Ice/Poison Controller.  I figured with the pbaoe/melee nature of Ice Control would pair well with Poison's Venomous Gas power...


    I'm looking for thoughts on builds for the toon: either cap'd S/L def or someway of sustainability/living in end game content would be nice. 


    The powers that I would usually skip:


    Chillbain (which I just noticed that in Mids it's mis-spelled as: Chilblain :p)


    Flash Freeze

    Neurotoxic Breath

    Elixir of Life



    Flight for travel works for me...and I can take any of the powers above if needed for set bonuses.

  16. Hello all,


    So I've been trying to download the files with Tequila the past 3-4 days (leaving it running for at least 24+ hours) but it always hangs on downloading texture_gui.pigg file (which seems to be the 2nd file to download).


    Getting fed up with it, came here and it seems the only other method to download files is to torrent the files.


    From this link:



    I saw there was an updated torrent link there...so I installed qBittorrent (?) on my laptop and used the torrent link found in the latest update but that doesn't seem to be moving at all either.


    Am I missing something?

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