What are you all doing now? (Edit - looks like Ulysses Dare beat me to this question! No need to answer it twice)
Also, bonus question for Floyd, Melissa, and maybe Hero 1 (didn't two people have that moniker? Not sure which one this is, but I met with Joe Morrissey) -- I went by Liquid on the old forums (name was taken here), and I had an interview that I bombed hilariously for the position that I believe Phil Zeleski wound up getting (and wow did that turn out to be the right choice). Maybe it will jog your memory that I wore a sport coat, which, according to Matt Miller, was a first for the building. Anyway, after failing to recognize the doorbell as a doorbell, I yanked on the door hard enough to get it open, and later found out it was supposedly locked -- did I break the door lock?