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Everything posted by TheImprobableMan

  1. Thanks Arcanum for posting the responses, and thanks to all the folks that answered! It's great to hear from you all again. P.S. I'm also glad to hear that I most likely did not break the door.
  2. What are you all doing now? (Edit - looks like Ulysses Dare beat me to this question! No need to answer it twice) Also, bonus question for Floyd, Melissa, and maybe Hero 1 (didn't two people have that moniker? Not sure which one this is, but I met with Joe Morrissey) -- I went by Liquid on the old forums (name was taken here), and I had an interview that I bombed hilariously for the position that I believe Phil Zeleski wound up getting (and wow did that turn out to be the right choice). Maybe it will jog your memory that I wore a sport coat, which, according to Matt Miller, was a first for the building. Anyway, after failing to recognize the doorbell as a doorbell, I yanked on the door hard enough to get it open, and later found out it was supposedly locked -- did I break the door lock?
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