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Everything posted by Pepinillo

  1. Thank you for the feedback. I've made some more adjustments based on your post as well as looking around at some other threads. I traded Focused Accuracy for Superior Conditioning, but ended up 6-slotting Rage for set bonuses so my accuracy might still be high. Maybe I could dump Kismet to free up a slot? I slotted up Knockout Blow almost as suggested, taking a couple Winters instead of Hecatombs to push the build up to 100% recharge debuff resist. You did get me curious about the Force Feedback proc chances so I plugged the numbers into the formula from this thread to figure it out. You were right; with the currently slotted recharge levels, FF proc chances: Haymaker: 20% Knockout Blow: 90% Cross Punch: 18% Foot Stomp: 24% With that in mind, I swapped them out from Haymaker and Cross Punch. Foot Stomp's chances don't seem too terrible for an AoE, so I kept that one. I brought defenses back up again, going for 55% on S/L/E. Assuming I've got the numbers right; 1 stack of Energy Drain, plus Agility Incarnate, plus Barrier Incarnate would get me to 65% which would drop to 45% during Rage crash. Possibly overcompensating for the crash there, but that's the thought process for those defense numbers. Brute (Super Strength - Energy Aura) v4.mbd
  2. Hey Erratic, thanks for taking a look. I've made some adjustments; the revised build is attached below. 1. Hasten - Thanks for pointing this out. I think I really overestimated how much uptime Force Feedback is going to get and have adjusted accordingly. I should have roughly the same global recharge as your build now. I didn't triple-slot Hasten like you did, but I hope that between Entropic Aura, Force Feedback and Cross Punch's little boost that it'll be okay. 2. Accuracy - I've slotted in Kismet, took Focused Accuracy, and as a result of pursuing extra recharge I now have a more standard slotting on attacks with less procs and a bit more accuracy. In order to take Focused Accuracy I dropped Superior Conditioning instead of Boxing. I also swapped Maneuvers for Combat Jumping to offset the endurance gain. Was endurance your concern with recommending Boxing as the skill to drop? 3. Defense - I actually read your previous thread about this combo when I was looking around for guidance. It was pointed out there that the Rage crash -20% def could be problematic and that's the reason I chose to push defense so high. Do you find that it isn't much of an issue then? As you'll see, I'm still a little overcapped. Brute (Super Strength - Energy Aura) v3.mbd
  3. Hello! New-ish player here. I'm looking for help with this SS/EnA build. I used to play many years ago and recently learned about the private servers; trying to have a build to shoot for before getting started. I had originally planned to play a Tanker, but Energy Aura caught my eye and I think it better fits the theme that I have in mind than any of the Tanker sets. Though even if I'm not playing Tanker I still want to actually tank, so I hope that I've built enough survivability for that. I did mention theme and that's definitely guiding some of the power choices here, like taking Teleport or skipping out on Soul Mastery. I'd like to try and put this guy through just about everything the game has to offer, so if you see any room for improvement please let me know. Brute (Super Strength - Energy Aura).mbd
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