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Posts posted by MissQuality

  1. I'll add to the necro. I built a farmer to these specs and at L25, this guy was at 88~% for Fire Resistance, which is far better than my L50, T3 Incarnate spines/fire. His survivability is quite high and I regularly run him at +0/+8 at L26. I could probably level cap him there if i wanted to. The earning potential is still not bad for this build.


    I played around with the build in Mids and got the Fire Defense somewhere in the mid-30s, percentage wise, until I noticed the Fire Resistance had dropped down to the low mid 70s. I'll have to investigate where that drop occurred. 


    I'm curious as to how well this build would do with just regular L50 IO's.


    EDIT: My farmer's FR dropped because I've started to add some L30 IO set pieces to the build. That always comes with a trade-off, even with L50 IOs.

  2. Right now, this particular character is level 32. I was away for a couple of years and never really got into the science and art of the character build. I always tend to add slots evenly across the board. She's definitely going to need a radical respec once I get her to 50.


    As for play style, this toon was always meant to be a support unit, primarily using her Rad powers to debuff/slow, secondary with her one AoE heal and thirdly, archery adding secondary damage.


    I'm slowly building up sets I think may be of use, but haven't slotted any, instead using SOs.

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