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Posts posted by Ringu

  1. For me, far and away the single most important thing is keeping my city alive.


    After that, any new endgame content would be great, as would tidying up the entry points into various existing content - I got started in the middle of Night Ward for some adventure with something called Trinity, long before I'd even heard of Night Ward/First Ward/Trinity or anything to do with it (and now, ten levels later, I still have no clue what it's all about).  Somehow, one contact I got pointed towards gave me this set of missions without having any kind of qualifying storyline before it, which has confused me a lot.


    But those are just minor points compared to the first.

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  2. Yeah, I mentioned the manifest in one post somewhere recently; I don't know what else is needed, or what changes need to be made to that, or if that's enough given the ongoing security checks for mods and the like - I have assumed that if Manga says IR will be discontinued, he doesn't mean "but it hasn't changed anyway so you can continue to run it"...


    Manga's been offline for a couple weeks now, so I'm hoping he'll be back soon to give us an update and clarify things!


  3. Yes, to both parts of that.


    I don't have the details of what gets updated how often, or if it's a task someone else could take on, but I'd love, for the sake of everyone else, it continues.


    I'm aware that I pretty much have no hope currently, I'm now just trying to preserve this final option.

  4. ...except that all these machines will lose the ability to run CoH when Catalina releases, regardless of what macOS you're running.


    What exactly makes you think this? That's like saying that a WinXP game would no longer run ON WinXP just because they released WinME...


    If there's something I'm missing here please post the technical details about it so that it can be discussed.


    This post from Manga, the developer of Island Rum, where he says that he's going to discontinue it when Catalina releases, means exactly this.


    Because Island Rum gets updated to handle new versions of the CoH client, this will no longer happen, and the CoH servers will not accept a client that isn't updated.  Hence, no access.  At all.


    So the current plan is, as of the final release of macOS 10.15, the Mac client will have to be discontinued, and the Mac version of Island Rum will have to be discontinued as well.

  5. I'm currently using Island Rum on a 2011 iMac that has "topped out" on OSX upgrades already at 10.13.6 and cannot "advance" any higher due to hardware vintage/limitations (until I buy a replacement computer).  In that context, Island Rum is working just fine and dandy for me and will continue to do so long after Catalina drops and the mass migration to it begins.  Just as an FYI.


    And I have a G4 Sawtooth that dual boots 9.22 / Leopard that was purchased in part to play a game series that have since been upgraded (wrapped) to work on modern systems. It's all a matter of perspective and investment. :p

    ...except that all these machines will lose the ability to run CoH when Catalina releases, regardless of what macOS you're running.


    The only current solution going forward, is to get a PC.  Apart from the cost and difficulty in integrating that into my current Mac setup, I simply don't have the physical room.

  6. I'm currently using Island Rum on a 2011 iMac that has "topped out" on OSX upgrades already at 10.13.6 and cannot "advance" any higher due to hardware vintage/limitations (until I buy a replacement computer).  In that context, Island Rum is working just fine and dandy for me and will continue to do so long after Catalina drops and the mass migration to it begins.  Just as an FYI.

    That's exactly my point, Redlynne - Manga, the developer of Island Rum, has said that when Catalina releases, he will discontinue all versions of Island Rum, and I think that's a bad option.

  7. I would note that Manga is not a member of the Homecoming Team

    My humble apologies for the misattribution; I mistook Manga's post as being news from Homecoming Team.  I understand now that isn't the case.


    @Manga, I *deeply* appreciate the work you've done in getting Island Rum to us Mac users, and also this latest effort to find a constant path going forward.

    I do, however, think that dropping support for Island Rum is a much worse option for us Mac users if you can't find an alternative; some people may be able to find an option to use a pre-Catalina OS more easily than finding a PC or Windows setup, and it seems just wrong to cut off all Mac access in that case.


    I will still be cut off either way, as my work requires me to update to Catalina on day 1, (ok, they'd actually prefer me to do it beforehand so I can ensure compatibility of our software before Catalina's official release, but I am holding them back on that score), but I'd ask you to reconsider your actions for the others who aren't forced into it.

  8. For me, Island Rum works fine right now.

    Right up until Homecoming Team said that it's better to stop allowing Mac users access, and that Island Rum will be discontinued rather than kept up-to-date in a 32-bit version.


    Catalina isn't out yet and even when it is, I don't have to upgrade immediately.

    Unfortunately, some of us do.


    Do I believe CodeWeavers will have support ready in Crossover before Catalina launches? I don't know ... I don't use Crossover today, but I have used it in the past. It is a good product with pretty passionate developers who seem to believe they can deliver. Maybe they will, maybe they won't.

    Doesn't matter if they do.  Homecoming Team are not going to update the 32-bit WINE version any more, deeming that a better option.


    In the meantime, Island Rum is a very reliable solution.

    As I said to begin with, for about two months.  And then bye-bye.


  9. Just to throw this out there, but with the right amount of adjustments you Could install a minimalistic version of a pre-OSX 15 os as a 2nd bootable partition and Then use it for either just the game or other 32bit apps.


    Unfortunately, Homecoming Team have decided that it's better to not allow any Mac user access instead of continuing to support the 32-bit version.  They've said that no more effort will go into making sure WINE works, and Island Rum for Mac will be discontinued.


    So, no, this won't work :-(


  10. Thanks for the suggestions all; so far, the only reliable solution is indeed bootcamp running windows, but since we have to reboot the mac and end up only running windows that way, it's not very viable for 'working macs' which need access to email etc. throughout the day.


    The emulators, as I mentioned, are a possibility but I see from the other thread that was linked that so far they either don't work or don't work properly, so it seems unless I want to stop earning a living or somehow set up another machine in my environment, I'm out of luck


  11. The shortly-to-be-released Mac OS Catalina will not run 32-bit programs.

    Currently, we get a warning on Mojave systems, but can allow them to run.


    In about two months, those of us who have to use their Macs for work purposes and have to upgrade OS, will be locked out of playing CoH again.


    The only way I can think of to prevent this is to use an emulator running Mojave, but it's clunky, expensive, and may not work properly with the emulator getting in the way of the game.


    So in this light, is it possible we'd ever see a 64-bit client...?


    *edit: Homecoming Team have announced that it's better for no Mac users to have access, rather than for them to maintain the 32-bit version for Mac any more, even if we do find a way to keep running the current OS.  Island Rum is being discontinued, and we Mac users are basically screwed.

  12. +100 for the Homecoming team and their outstanding work.


    I remember running sewer trials on Justice back in the day, got it down to a fine art.

    My younger, cooler Brother and I spent so much time in Paragon City, from Beta all the way up to shutdown, and to have access again is a gift beyond measure.


    I wish I could do something to express my thanks more than just post; but until then, THANK YOU!

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