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Posts posted by Tyche

  1. Hi,

    Currently, there is a pop-up warning about placing any enhancement (which can be disabled - as I do, and I would guess, most others also do).

     A much greater problem, however, is  a finger slightly slipping and over-writing a currently placed enhancement with another - the replaced enhancement is gone forever, and if it's an expensive IO, that's a possible severe impact.


    Adding an override prompt, either in addition to the existing warning, or in place of it, would be much appreciated

    • Like 1
  2. I have a support ticket with GM_Behr on this and he asked me to report the situation here:


    The problem is that within my SG base, if I try to attune an equipped IO, the attunement does not occur, and the catalyst is lost.


    This works fine outside the base, it's doing this from within the SG base creates the problem.


    Note that because catalysts (and converts etc) are stored there, it's typically a place where I do such actions, and I'd bet so do other folks.


    Specifically, see attached screenshots.  The first is the selection of the IO and the catalyst; the second is what shows after the failure - the catalyst is gone but the IO is not attuned; the third is from outside the SG base, when it works normally.

    The yellow message at the top appears when within the base - it does not when outside it.

    Of additional note, the issue also occurs if you hit reset, once you've selected an enhancement and a catalyst -

    ie, you lose the catalyst once it's been selected to use to attune, whether you click combine or reset, while within the SG base.


    If this is a known issue I missed, my apologies.

    If it is not, and it is reproducible, and if a Bug Hunter badge is still a thing, that would be nice ;)




  3. I am seriously tired of this bullshit excuse to not fix parts of the game. "Oh I'm just glad that City of Heroes is back. Warts and all." Dude, that was like forever ago. That horse is dead and the shock of the game being back is gone too. So absolutely YES, It's best to move on and fix shit that's broken and rebalance everything. You don't just stop and smell the roses in game development and think that things will fix themselves. There are multitudes of problems that need addressed right now.


    No excuse is needed.  We are not customers of Homecoming.  They are not charging you for the priviledge of playing.  You are a guest, and not entitled to anything, except what the host chooses to provide.  This is a private server, essentially someone else's home.


    If you are seriously tired, then you have 3 options:

    1.) Step away, it's just a game and if it's really causing you such stress maybe you need to do something different

    2.) Go somewhere else - there are other private servers available to you.  Maybe they will be to your liking?

    3.) Start your own server.  The notes are out there, and then you are the master of your own destiny and everything can be your way


    Or, maybe you aren't that seriously tired, and then maybe you should learn to be content with what you have and not all the things you don't have.


    And what nice hosts HC are, because they are listening to the community and choosing to spend their volunteer time to provide improvements we are asking for.


    Enjoy your stay..the hosts are really nice and treat us with respect.  Please show the same as a good guest


    This.  Wonderful analogy :)

    • Like 1
  4. Hi there,


    In the May 7 announcement, the issue of respecs not being awarded at 40 and 50 was fixed, and it was mentioned that a free respec would be awarded as well.


    Should we be seeing that additional respec by now?  I ask as I am not; my main happened to reach 40 the night before the patch (May 6), not sure if that would impact this at all.


    Thanks much :)



  5. Tyche is here too.

    For those who remember me and my legion of alts :)  I hope some of the other Tychians - and the dUmb folks, Insomniac Brigade, folks form the Bits channel, and other fun friends - are around too.

    I do see Eran posted (hi!) and also TinyBolt who I recall a bit less well, and Baney too (hi you guys).

    Been wondering if Well or Bug are going to make it make.


    I'm primarily playing on Indomitable right now - the "In" reminds me of Infinity where I did nearly all my playing. 

    Global is @Tyche if you remember teaming or chatting and want to get in touch


    Hi! I remember you for sure. Not surprised you remember Eran/Errants better--between the two of us he has always been the outgoing one (we're married so royal we usage here lol).


    I know the Bits are in game again but not sure who from that group are around.


    Ahah :) Yes, the public voice, as it were?  My partner and I have a bit of that too ;)  Nice to re-engage and I'll add the dUmb channel to boot.  Keep forgetting to message Well on skype to see if he knows the score, cuz I never use skype...

  6. I want to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to the team who brought us Homecoming.

    To be able to return to the beloved CoX world - to hear the music of Atlas Park as my toon returns from smashing some hellions, to claim her well-deserved rewards from her contact - to be living in the community once again, rather than just re-living the memories - to participate in a TF again with great, fun folks - this all means more to me than words can say


    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Tyche is here too.

    For those who remember me and my legion of alts :)  I hope some of the other Tychians - and the dUmb folks, Insomniac Brigade, folks form the Bits channel, and other fun friends - are around too.

    I do see Eran posted (hi!) and also TinyBolt who I recall a bit less well, and Baney too (hi you guys).

    Been wondering if Well or Bug are going to make it make.


    I'm primarily playing on Indomitable right now - the "In" reminds me of Infinity where I did nearly all my playing. 

    Global is @Tyche if you remember teaming or chatting and want to get in touch

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