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Posts posted by Corruptsmurf

  1. On 2/14/2024 at 10:55 AM, Wiseguy said:

    SG Name: The Dauntless

    SG Officer: @Shibbs


    We started our SG around HC's launch. We have a small, but dedicated core of veteran players from Live. We've experienced most of what the game has to offer, and are now looking to do more stuff with the community. The current goal is to keep our roster quite lean; we have about 8 active members as of writing this post, and ideally we'll never have much more than 16; I don't believe a large SG is the best fit for some people, and I don't want to spread folk thin. If you're a new or returning player looking for assistance and company getting back into the game, I can highly recommend us. Alternatively, if you're a more experienced player looking for new challenges, we do that too. The only content we don't touch on too much is PVP.


    We don't really get into politics, but if you have personal beliefs aligned against other people based on their race or sexuality, you're not going to be a good fit. Also, please no minors. Our SG chat is pretty chill and tame but I don't want someone's mom mad at me in the case someone cussed or mentioned a mature topic.


    We have a Discord.


    In summary...

    We want:

    - New/returning players; people sticking around is good for the game!

    - People interested in doing content from 1-50 and beyond.

    - People who like challenges & badging.

    - Folk who want to help lead, guide, and inform.


    We don't want:

    - Weird bigots or socially abrasive people.

    - Minors.



    About a week in, lvl 23 Rad/Rad Defender, looking at rolling a few more toons.  If you guys are still looking I could really use some folks to group with / guidance. 

  2. I realize this is now a 3+ year old topic, but if you are still on, I would love to hear your thoughts on levelling and progression.  I am following your build (very detailed, thank you!!!), and I've started to get merits and such.  Don't know if I should just push through and power level or start to spend these, and what the best choices are to spend merits / influence on as I level.


    Thanks again.

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