Windows 10, 64-bit, AMD 6750XT, 64GB RAM.
All drivers up-to-date. Graphic drivers reinstalled as part of troubleshooting. (DDU uninstall, fresh install).
Recently started playing again. On occasion, the game crashes to a black screen with a spinning windows icon on the mouse. Clicking with the mouse turns the black screen white and I get the prompt that CoH isn't responding and to kill the process.
Not crashing with other games. No unique profiles with CoH in the Adrenaline settings. Sometimes can play for hours with no issues. (Alt tabbing, logging in and out on different characters, etc... no issues.) Then, without any reason that I can find, I'll crash repeatedly within 5-15 minutes of logging in. Crashes AMD driver. Have to manually restart the driver and/or the system. Not sure if there's an issue with the 24.12.1 drivers or not. Didn't have issues with crashes in the past, but I know the that Homecoming had an update or two since I last played as well.
System is otherwise stable, but once I crash CoH once, I seem unable to play it without crashes for the rest of that day. (Makes no sense.. full restart should clear any issues with driver crash or cached items in memory) No thermal issues. Can hop into any other game without issue after reboot or restarting GPU drivers. (Don't Starve Together, Enshrouded, Grounded, Smalland, 7 Days to Die, and Pantheon are other games I've played recently).
I've looked for logs, but I'm not seeing any in Program Files (x86)\Homecoming\logs
I've seen reference in this forum to a \crash folder, but it does not exist on my system.
Event Viewer shows that amduw23g stops responding and then recovers second before cityofheroes.exe version 1.0.6484.64 stops working with Windows.
So as best I can tell it's a driver conflict with the most recent AMD driver and the current version of Homecoming. Is there a known issue? A known last working driver or setting change that works with 2024.12.1?
Thank you.