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Posts posted by LongHalloween

  1. I can attest as someone whose main is Spines/Bio and came to this thread 2 months ago with the exact same questions/cocnerns: Spines and Bio work great together as a pair. It won't really comes together until ~30-40, but once you get your hands on parasitic aura and DNA siphon you'll be having a lot of fun in missions and your endurance issues will be (somewhat) negated. I'd take energy/body mastery for physical perfection though.

  2. 3 hours ago, Krimson said:

    The easiest meeting place would be Studio 55.

    Some time (very) soon I'll scout around and try to come up with a list of different locations people can meet at. Studio 55 will definitely be on the list, though. I've been inside before and it's a pretty good spot for casual/social RP.

  3. On 5/18/2024 at 9:23 AM, MaceVanHoffen said:

    I'm more interested in this now that I've seen some ideas.  It's been a long, long time since I played goldside.  Not since live, in fact.  But I do have a few character concepts rumbling around in my brainpan, one of which is the Praetorian version of a current character of mine.


    How would we stay IC when playing mainline CoH content?  Or, would we even bother?  I know there's some reticence for having time travel, but there are a few other options.  The various Freedom Phalanx taskforces could just be a simulation 🙂




    On 5/18/2024 at 10:54 AM, Triumphant said:

    Yes, I agree- it doesn't have to be time travel.  You can develop your own bespoke cannon.  Maybe it's a different reality than Upsilon Beta 9-6, in a Praetoria where they figured out how to take a Portal to Primal Earth at the height of Praetoria and things developed differently from there (No all out invasion by Cole to conquer it, etc.).  There are other ways to justify doing standard PC/Rogue Isles content with a Praetorian character, without playing it as time travel.


    The simplest solution I've found is having this RP scene be a "flashback" setting, set a few years before the Praetorian invasion of Primal Earth. This would mean that any Primal content that character did would have happened years later in whatever IC timeline we worked out. Honestly, this might just entirely be my own personal tastes or limitations showing, but when I considered the possibilities of time travel or an alternate universe, I just felt both were too convoluted to be an effective justification. Time trickery (at least to me) removes the weight and impact of the conclusion to the Praetorian storyline, and another alternate dimension that is conveniently identical to Praetorian Earth feels too both contrived. Also, if we went with that, then there wouldn't be any conceivable way for someone's characters to somehow be involved with the inevitable conflict between Praetorian and Primal Earths.


    I think it's just easier to make this hub, project, plot, or whatever it turns out to be a "prequel" in your character's story than try to write around what happened in the lore.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Kismet Cowboy said:

    Gold Guys, Nova Squad. Praetoria's Past. I think it partially depends what vibe people want, whether it's more loyalist or resistance, etc, but I'm sure we can work something out.


    The vibe I'm getting seems to be Loyalist (and undercover Resistance), but I think there's always room for expansion if there's enough people and will.


    I came up with "Memories of Praetoria" while brainstorming and I ended up liking it a lot. It helps cement the "hub" as something chronologically in the past.

  5. 1 hour ago, Kismet Cowboy said:

    It'd probably be easy enough to roll progression into any overarrching narrative. Start off in Nova then expand to the other zones as everyone nabs some levels.


    Might want to think about making a Discord server or something similar, just for easy planning and communication, somwehere to share character and plot ideas, etc.

    I'll whip something up and see if we get any curious parties on the HC Discord. Anyone got any suggestions for a neat name?

  6. On 5/14/2024 at 8:20 PM, Kismet Cowboy said:

    I fricken' love Praetoria. I played on live a few times intermittedly but it was Going Rogue and the Praetorian content that got me to stick around until sunset, and it's remained my fave content since then. It's been a hot minute since I last played or RP'd, but if my slightly awkward timezones and schedules can be made to work, I might be interested!


    Fully agreed that anything like this should just be set during the past, pre-invasion and nuking and all that. Trying to mash a fully-functioning Praetoria into a "present day" timeline really does just sound convoluted. It sounds like it'd be a mostly self-contained RP anyway, so other group's ideas on timelines wouldn't really matter.


    As to preferences and tone, I'm not much of a slice of life person, personally. The occassional party/gala/lo-fi social setting can be fun as a tension break between story beats, but overall I prefer dramatic narratives with (at least percieved) stakes, with most of the action focused on just that: the action. Resistance is cool and I could totally work with that, but I find Loyalist lends itself far more toward interesting character dilemmas. It's also handy because you don't have to handwave about being outdoors without getting arrested.

    PG13 sounds about right. Really excessive violence and cruelty, and "murder hobo" antics aren't really for me. People trying to do some good in a world and system that makes that an incredibly complex job is sort of the ideal, I think.


    On 5/14/2024 at 8:38 PM, Krimson said:

    I do have a level 50 Forever Praetorian. I'd attempt to roleplay with her if there was a place for it, so long as the RP isn't a cleverly disguised dating sim.


    We could try to figure out a good in-game spot to serve as a serious (or semi-serious) RP hub. It could be possible to work our way up from there and attract more people to the setting. Meanwhile, we could try RPing through missions or public events to depict conflict/action and try to work out some sort of dramatic, overarching narrative collaboratively.

  7. 2 hours ago, MaceVanHoffen said:

    Why not set the RP in the current timeline?




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    There are plenty of opportunities to RP Praetorian refugees in the Prime dimension with all kinds of philosophies.  Clearly, there are some refugees who sill hold the more fascist ideals dear along with those who are more interested in peaceful lives.




    I like the idea, and I think there could be a lot of potential for people who want to try and depict an interdimensional refugee trying to find their footing in Primal Earth, but me (and maybe other people) are interested in the Praetorian Earth setting itself and want to explore what it would be like to try and exist in such a place before it was destroyed.


  8. In the Homecoming Discord, I've seen some people post screenshots of Praetorian-themed characters, discuss concepts related to Praetorian Earth, and ask around if there was any RP to be had in everyone's favorite morally ambiguous dystopian mirror dimension. I'd be eager to try and explore Praetorian Earth as a setting and experience some of the themes and vibes from a roleplaying perspective, but I want to see if that's a shared sentiment with other roleplayers in the community, and if so, if people would like to find a way to come together and RP together in Praetoria Earth within any of its in-game zones.


    I'll post some of my random thoughts and ideas below about the prospect of Praetorian RP, but ultimately, the purpose of this thread is to determine interest. I'd love for others to submit their own thoughts, observations, experiences, questions, and ideas related to the idea of working with PE as an RP setting.. If we could all pull together and figure out what exactly we're looking for in terms of opportunities, tone, events, etc, it would make any potential projects much more reflective of what people are looking for.



    Spoiler talk, regarding CoH's narrative and the complications it would present:



    So, yes, with the current course of CoH's storyline, Praetorian Earth doesn't truly exist in the same way that its in-game areas currently reflect. After an attempted invasion, Tyrant and Dominatrix were captured, and the dimension was swallowed up by the Devouring Earth, with its few survivors fleeing to Primal Earth. I'm sure someone else can provide a much more accurate and detailed synopsis of all the events that have transpired, but the main point is that within any sort of RP continuity or timeline, whatever RP happens over in Praetoria would need to be treated as something that happened in the past. Fooling around with the idea of time distortion/time travel or a 2nd Praetorian Earth dimension that conveniently exists is too convoluted and silly to really work IMO. It would be better to treat everything that happens as some form of "prequel" to whatever trouble their character gets into in Primal areas and storylines. It's not exactly a perfect solution, but it's about the only way I can think to make this work.


    My own general thoughts about what I'd be trying to find in Praetorian RP:



    What I'm most interested in is exploring the moral ambiguity and dystopian themes present in Praetorian Earth. Exploring a setting where superheroes are assets of the state rather than upstanding citizens, navigating complex moral choices and dilemmas where being a good person (or even just a reliable one) is complicated by one's allegiances and ideals. I'd like to explore some of the in-setting politics, such as the war between the Resistance and Loyalists, the unofficial rivalry between the Powers Division and PPD, the feuding between different Powers Division members to become top dogs, the inherent corruption in Praetorian Society and how groups like the Syndicate take advantage of it, and more. While the usual maturity level I go for in RP is "PG-13" (or a light R, if everyone agrees on it), I think there's some potential to get into some darker and grittier ideas and themes as long as they're handled respectfully and don't become gratuitous or edgy for the sake of edginess.


    General ideas and thoughts about RP opportunities.



    There could be plenty of different ways to work with PE as a setting depending on what people want out of it.


    If people are looking for a casual/social setting but with some sort of dystopian or "darker" twist, Loyalists could easily host parties, galas, and banquets, not just for regular partygoers but for the elite of Praetorian society as well. This could be an opportunity for players to depict their characters rubbing elbows with important figures as well as getting to know one another. Meanwhile, Resistance members could meet in a shady underground bar or some sort of "speakeasy". Underground raves and festivals would fit the vibe the faction goes for.


    If the idea is something a little more serious or invested, then the sky's really the limit. Loyalists could meet in governmental buildings, parks, or or other nicer parts of the city while Resistance characters take to the rougher parts of the city and underground. Interactions would potentially center more on each character's particular role or place in Praetorian Earth's government (or outside it), and conversations would focus on politics, planned patrols/raids/operations/etc, different individuals' backgrounds or experience. The idea to me is that the focus would be more on each character's occupation or part to play rather than their personal lives.


    While I like the idea of RPing out missions and arcs together, it can be a little bit tricky when everyone needs to solo their alignment mission. It can work if you're looking for your character's allegiance to be a personal secret, but if you're wanting to make choices and share in the consequences of that choice as a group, you'd have to figure out some other way to live out those decisions.


    Some of the ideas that come to mind for larger public events would be a Loyalist group unveiling a new statue or propaganda film for the public to celebrate, or the Resistance hosting a memorial for the fallen. There's potential for the other side to crash the party of for some events to be purely based around conflict,. It takes a mind smarter than my own to work out how RPPVP would work or even mediate it, though in my opinion I'm mostly alright with keeping it freeflow and allowing people to figur eout the resolution of a fight until someone comes along and breaks that trust.




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  9. I recently had the idea to try and make a brute, with the main premise behind him being that he had one (or two) cybernetic arms that he used in a fight. And that's about as far as I got. I couldn't really think of what powerset would work best with the character concept while also being fun to play as. Kinetic came to mind at first, but I heard that it's pretty lacking as an offensive power. Energy seems fun, but I'm unsure which defensive power to select with it. Someone suggest Titan/Electric, and I could probably make that work with the theme if I make some adjustments to the costume to make it more "electric", but I'm not quite sure how to realize that build. Would anyone on here have any suggestions or tips on a viable and theme-friendly powerset to go with?

  10. /login -m mmusial

    -Insert Pass


    -Pass Accepted

    -Last Login: 28 Days 5 Hours 36 Minutes 12 Seconds Ago

    /rd /root/docs/journal/mut_proj

    /mkfl -d File2_Exo

    -File Created

    /edit File2_Exo





    The Exoskeleton


    So much of my memory that night remains a haze. The most probable explanation is that I hit my head at some point during the chaos that tore the lab apart. Another likely possibility is that whatever mix of mutagens my body was exposed to disoriented or affected my brain chemistry during the incident. Since awakening, I have not noticed any mental or neurological complications, save for a pair of exceptions that I will cover in a later entry.


    I have no idea what happened, or what caused me to be like this. All I know is that one night, I cracked open my shell. I had become encased in a rigid, glossy-black material. Examination with the naked eye indicated to me that this casing was made of a form of chitin similar to an arthropod's exoskeleton. It had similarly begun to grow across my skin. Small patches in some places, and in others, my original, natural epidermis was hidden away by a layer of deep black shell. It would stretch out like veins to my limbs, to the front of my chest, and to my face. It disfigured me, giving me a visage none too approachable and none too human. I felt like a freak.


    It didn't occur to me just what the stuff could do until I was placed in a situation where its function was necessary for my survival. I remember. I was huddled under a turned-over shopping cart, covering my body in a well-worn blanket to try and keep the rain at bay. A hand suddenly grasped at my neck and pulled me up onto his feet. He wore a slate gray jacket and covered his face with a skull mask. I know of the Skulls, and I made an effort to give them a wide berth during my transit to work. Now one was staring me down with a broken bottle in his hand, shaking me like a stress doll and asking me to cough up whatever I had on me.


    I didn't have anything, of course. My wallet was (mostly) claimed by fire. Only a scorched picture of myself and an ex-girlfriend survived. The money was scorched, and my cards had melted into a shiny sludge that stuck to the interior wallet. He probably knew I didn't have a thing on me. He just wanted an excuse to beat me up.


    Unfortunately for him (and fortunately for me), he didn't get his wish. I could feel a light pressure begin to form in my right arm. And then, I heard the tearing of fabric. I looked down, and the chitin that had covered patches of my arm had suddenly grown out, encasing my arm and forming a much longer, bulkier, and (assumedly) stronger arm. The Skull's face came alight with shock. Before he could even think of using the broken bottle, my arm shot up. I meant to shove him away, but the strength of my encased arm slung him towards the brick wall. He slammed, hard, into the masonry, and quickly picked himself up off the ground and ran away. I don't think I saw him again.


    The exoskeleton hardens in response to physical trauma, or when danger is sensed. Weeks later, when I attempted to test my powers by intervening in a convenience store robbery, the gangbanger raised his pistol and took a few shots at me. I raised my arm, and the exoskeleton took shape. The bullets impacted with my chitin armor, but it was not pierced, nor did I suffer any internal damage from the force of the shots. An experiment with a burning oil drum, an unfortunate incident with a taser to the back, and the accidental breaking of an acid flask confirmed that my exoskeleton can resist chemical and energy-derived harm as well. I'm far from invincible, but I'm far more resistant to damage than the average human.


    I only wonder what more there might be to it.





    -Save Changes?


    -Changes Saved


    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Sovera said:


    Brawl is just a filler for very early levels so no slots there.


    Pool powers: the only 'good ones' can be boiled down to:


    1- Travel power of your choice. First thing to pick. I like Flying and I'm permanently using Hover but pick whatever. I suggest Super Jump if you don't don't like Fly and always have Combat Jumping turned on to do small jumps for mobility while only using Super Jump for long distances. Remember to turn off your travel power of choice while in combat since it consumes endurance, but Hover/Combat Jumping should be left always on as it costs near zero endurance and gives a small 2% defense boost that adds up (both defense uniques give 3% so it's 6%, then another 2% from Combat Jumping or Hover makes it go to 8%, then Maneuvers for another 2% and it's 10%. Bio Armor's Environmental Modification gives 11.2% native defense and with three slots it becomes 17.8%. With those 10% stacked up from above you're now at 27.8%. You want 45% so it's already half way there).


    2 - Hasten from Super Speed. Big 70% recharge boost while it is on. Triple recharge in it. You can save a travel power by just picking Super Speed next. While Super Speed doesn't do vertical well you can also pick Combat Jumping to go with it (and have that 2% defense) or buy a 5k jetpack from the START vendor and activate it for those moments.


    3 - Maneuvers from Leadership. It's a small 2-3% defense boost but it adds up.


    4 - Fighting. Punch/Kick are just forced picks and not meant to be used. The real picks are Tough which increases smash and lethal resistances and then Weave that increases all defenses.



    There are a lot of other pools but quantity does not mean quality. Attacks from pools will always be worse than your primary attacks as a design choice so the four I suggested are pretty much the usual all builds go for unless aiming for something niche.


    It's worth noting that you could take Sorcery and use Mystic Flight as your travel power and then pick the Rune of Protection for a one minute defensive boost but due to its downtime its not something you can rely on other than a panic button.


    I'll make a note of these pool powers (as well as the ones in Thraxen's Mids file) and work them in as I level up.


    2 hours ago, Thraxen said:

    I think I have everything Leob/Sale did together, hate Sale is gone.


    Anyway, here is my spines/bio.  It is expensive but is an aoe machine and not too squishy.  


    If you only have four slots for attacks, 2 damage, 1 acc, 1 end redux.  Unless your end is fine then don't worry about it.  I'd not get the two damage auras until your end is fine.  It's been a few years but seems like end was an issue on mine until 50.  


    Toxic Thrax - Scrapper (Spines) 03 10 24 with Ripper 2.mbd 48.24 kB · 0 downloads


    Appreciate the file. I'll keep an eye on it and use it as a reference as I build up my character.


    All this advice has made me feel a lot more confident about power selections and enhancement slots, which I feel like will be most of my focus for the time being. At some point in the future I can worry about sets.

  12. /login -m mmusial

    -Insert Pass


    -Pass Accepted

    -Last Login: 28 Days 5 Hours 36 Minutes 12 Seconds Ago

    /rd /root/docs/journal/mut_proj

    /mkfl -d File1_Mutillidae

    -File Created

    /edit File1_Mutillidae








    Family: Mutillidae


    Mutillids, known by their common names "velvet ant" or "cow-killer", are solitary wasps found throughout Europe, Asia, and South America. The name "velvet ant" is derived from the colorful patches of hair on their backs and abdomens, coming in variants of red, rustic orange, and yellow. "Cow-killer" originates from their extremely painful sting, scoring a 3 on the Schmidt Pain Index (the highest score possible is a 4). Schmidt described the sting's pain as, "Instantaneous, like the surprise of being stabbed." Immature life stages of this insect parasitize the youth of others, but adults primarily primarily feed on plant nectar. Despite the parasitoid youth and obnoxious sting, velvet ants are often kept as pets in terrariums and tanks similarly to tarantulas and certain beetles. In captivity, they can live up to 2 years.


    I was never a fanatic about velvet ants, or insects in general. While they were the subject of my studies, I was a geneticist first and foremost. Their genetic material was of far more intrigue to me than their form or morphological features. When going through the trouble of figuring out a moniker, however, the velvet ant came to mind after hours of deliberation. The persistent and nagging frustration about having some idea of the perfectly fitting name but being unable to accurately nail it was suddenly replaced with relief, enthusiasm, perhaps some mild amount of joy. It was a lightbulb moment. Velvet ants made sense. Casual observers and expert entomologists alike enjoy them for their vibrant patterns, giving them some measure of public adoration or acceptance in contrast to other wasp species. Their sting is nothing to be trifled with, however, making them a significant threat when provoked. As a side note, the name "Mutillid" also sounds somewhat like "Mutant", providing a subconscious association with what I am and how I came to be. This is the mantle I've taken up.


    Ever since the incident, I've been slowly working towards understanding more about my current state. Not just what it means for me and how to address it going forward, but what exactly I can do with it. I want to test my capabilities and limits just to see what I'm able to do. All the while, I want these abilities to be put to use. It isn't enough that I learn something from this little research project. Someone's knowledge is defined by how they use it, and at the end of the day, I want to say that I tried to use these mutations for the benefit of society. Granted, the ways these abilities improve society are a bit limited. You can't build a utopia off venomous stingers and a reactive exoskeleton. On the other hand, if I can run off a few petty criminals and keep the street gangs out one block at a time, things might get a little easier for everyone. It would be slow and gradual, and the changes wouldn't be noticed immediately, but that doesn't mean they aren't worthwhile.


    I've set up in an abandoned apartment just 3 streets down from where the lab used to be. The heart of King's Row, one of the worst sites of gang violence in Paragon City. Right now I walk the streets at night, clad in whatever baggy, secondhand clothing I could find that hides my likeness and helps me to blend in with the rest of the populace in spite of my appearance. I'll attempt to regularly create journal entries to note my discoveries and my progress, as well as log past and present events to help organize my thoughts and my own perception of the passage of time. I was relieved to find that my old work laptop survived the blast, and I'm making use of it to encrypt and store these journal entries. Hopefully, I can scrounge up more materials from the old lab soon.





    -Save Changes?


    -Changes Saved



  13. 5 hours ago, Sovera said:


    The (near) immortal build is purpose handpicked for being cheap and start early, and it has starter leveling builds. I really recommend starting with this as by level 13 it lives to its namesake and you can play at 0x6.



    Now, there are no fast and easy answers regarding the Spines/Bio. To improve you will need money. Start selling those Merits as you earn them, keep the difficulty low, keep doing missions from contacts to the end for said merits that come at the last mission.


    To improve on your survivability you will want to always keep your inspirations stocked up and though the base teleporter costs 1 million it's pretty useful in that aspect since you can use it every 10 minutes and hit a base between missions to replenish on Lucks and healths. Every other inspiration is not as useful as having just purples and greens. Keep one purple up all the time, use a second one if you feel that you're in trouble. They cost 50 inf so there's no point in saving them.


    The rest costs some money. You will want both defense uniques for a nice boost (the same the (near) immortal build uses. They are a staple on nearly every build), three defense slots allocated to both Hardened Carapace and Environmental Modification. Don't bother with Inexhaustible just yet


    Once you get Adaptation you have three to choose from. Stick to Offensive for more damage since the faster you defeat mobs the less time they have to hurt you back.


    Get DNA Siphon and Ablative as soon as you can and slot three heal and three recharge right away.


    For attacks stick to one accuracy and three damage. Add one endurance reduction and one recharge when you have the free slots.



    Slotting with SOs (the vendor gear) or generic IOs is so simple it does not actually require builds. Don't place more than three of one kind (accuracy, damage, resistance, etc), put defense in defense slots, put resistance in resistance slots, one accuracy and three damage in attacks, etc. It's very straight forward. The trouble is when we enter actual IOs because of all the bonuses involved.


    One thing that will help you is simply to team. CoH thrives on teaming unlike other MMOs where you're supposed to be solo until max level. You can start teaming at level 1 and that will improve your XP, your survival, etc, because there will be buffs and people to share agro. Soloing is fine (I solo all the time) but without at least some gear and a solid base you will feel squishy and slow which might turn you off the game.



    Since all gear is account bound this slow start is a... well, pretty much a one time thing. You can pass the money and the expensive gear to another alt so it doesn't have to start with nothing. Speaking of part of your squishyness would be mitigated if you had Amplifiers but now it's too late as they grow more expensive with each level. Never forget to pick them up at level 1 since you will get 8 hours of strong buffs for a meager 23k.


    Tidbits for me to keep in mind for the immediate future:


    -4 slots for my offensive powers (3 damage, 1 accuracy enhancements)

    -pick up DNA siphon, ablative, and adaptation as my next powers

    -3 slots for hardened carapace and environmental modification (all defense), DNA siphon (3 heal), and ablative (3 recharge)

    -sell merits to  pick up the base teleporter


    There's a bit more to think on, and I still need to read that guide of yours in-depth, but these seem like the most immediate choices to make. Spines/bio doesn't seem like a popular or commonly thought of combo, so it doesn't surprise me that there isn't a guide out there for this, but I'm happy to work through this and trial-and-error my way into something relatively viable.


    EDIT: this feels like a silly question, but brawl doesn't really need/deserve slots, right? I mostly keep it on my taskbar as something to quickly tap when my other powers are on cooldown, but I have a feeling it will be replaced in the future by something else that fits the niche but is stronger. Also, any tips or suggestions for pool powers?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 20 hours ago, Sovera said:

    Bio is a bit squishy at the start since it is an armor set that gives up protection for damage. Spines is a bit... weak these days. It's old and needs a tune up from the devs.


    So we can start by saying you seem to be low level as Hollow/King's Row would put you under level 20. But your problem seems to come from not knowing how to slot. I'm going to say to take a look at the newbie guide in my signature to get you started making currency (it's easy, it involves playing the game and throwing stuff at the Auction House), then grab the Mids program so that you can do and read the builds posted on the forums.


    I know you made a Scrapper and might prefer to just beat things without having expectations from you as you learn the game, but consider a Tanker. Unlike other games there are no demands on knowing routes, defensive cooldown juggling, team composition and being forced to lead. Over City of Heroes it's a lot more chill. You will do less damage than a Scrapper, of course, but also be more durable. The (near) immortal build in my signature is a good beginner friendly build and I can even spot you the money to buy the two initial uniques the build requires.



    But back to the Spines/Bio do grab Mids so you can read the builds we will post to help you. Gambare gambare, LongHalloween!


    I appreciate you pointing out the guides in your signature. I've skimmed over your newcomer guide a bit enough to make use of the P2W vendor's powers and enhancements. I'll give it and a few more guides a more in-depth read when I have more free time on my hands.


    I might honestly make a tank alt to get acquainted with the game and not have to worry about being too squishy. If so, I'll probably use a different powerset and rely on a guide to help me pick something solid. That said, I do want to try and work with this current build and see how I can make it the best it can be, even if spines is in need of some dev attention. Also, I'll make sure to download Mids in the near future. For now, though, let me just post a screenshot of my current powers and slots setup.


    20 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:


    Post a screenshot of your powers and slots and mention your level. Very detailed comments will come rushing in.






    Here are my current powers and slots. I can pull something from Mids once I install it if people need it. Not pictured are the prestige powers mutagen, blackwand, and undead-slaying axe I picked up after reading a little bit from Sovera's starter guide. I'm only Level 10, so I don't have too many powers under my belt at the moment. Right now, I'm thinking that I should focus more on bio powers to improve my durability, but if anyone else has other recommendations, I'm all ears.


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  15. Like the title says, I've made a Spines/Bio Armor Scrapper. The concept seemed pretty need to me, and I like the DoT and how the crits work with lethal damage, but I hit something of a wall near the Hollow and King's Row. I'm not sure if I'm picking all the right powers and putting enhancement slots where they need to be. I'm also not sure about what other powers from the power pool I should be picking to go along with it. The only one I've chosen so far was fly, since I felt it fit the character, but is there anything else that I should be looking at?

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