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Everything posted by Starrflare

  1. Thank you for the update!
  2. Speaking for myself, I’m a lot OLDER than when I was last in COH. I think the consolidation of content is a COOL thing, but I would imagine that some returning players from my Age cohort might not like what they perceive as someone moving their cheese. I’ve had two major strokes since I last logged into COH, so *I’m* just glad to be here and able to play reasonably well. When I meet players that are not accepting of Homecoming, my response is a polite; “We’re lucky to have this and it’s better than not having it at all”….. That might not be the best response; but hey - I have brain damage 🙂
  3. It’s great to have you here! No word on Ig or Diva?
  4. So if you like creepy ventriloquist dummies, this is the place for you.... I kept expecting to be attacked by Clockwork the whole time I was there for some reason 🙂
  5. So this is a wintery scene from years past. I'll claim that it's not self-promoting because my back is turned 🙂
  6. I would say "yes and no". SL absolutely does have sexualized content, but also some very beautiful places - all created by Residents. I'll try to post some examples as I run across them. I have some shots already on Flickr, but those are mostly used as modeling backdrops and might count a "shameless self-promotion" 🙂
  7. I get a strange behavior wherein paste is blocked ( I use a password manager and complex passwords)…. It this a setting I can change?
  8. I’ve been active in SL almost daily since 2005 🙂 Second Life is a Virtual World, not a traditional game w linear goals - so many who try it are unhappy with the wide-open experience. I like it because of the immersive Roleplay experience that’s possible there and the quality of the player base. I also spent large portions of time as an event DJ/Host and as my SL Partner’s #1 fan when she DJs. Some RP sim pics: A Red Light District Vampires chill here My character was a VERY bad girl - if you believe the propaganda My character at her place of business (court mandated service in a VERY bad place)
  9. Iggy! I’m seeing this 4 years late 😞
  10. So when CoH took a break, I started roleplaying in SL. *Some* superhero RP was involved
  11. My Real Life friend who was taken much too soon. Thanks for being you...
  12. @Starr-flare of StrikeForce from Guardian (Legacy COH server) checking in!
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