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I went through your considerations, and as it is usual for answering questions, they sparked more questions; I'm sorry if this thread is kinda derailing into noob support... For example, "50+5" on enhancements means boosters, right? Woudn't it be logical (if perhaps prohibitively expensive) to boost everything that is compatible with boosters to 50+5? Also, you have slotted your damaging powers many damage and utility procs. Am I to understand that that is kind of an optimal way to do it for damage? You get better DPS if you fill it with procs? And speaking of procs, how do procs work with, say, PBAoE powers like death shroud or combustion? The procs roll in order to trigger in each hit on each target in range of the power or does it at each 2s roll to proc on every mob in range at once? I guess it is the 1st one? Anyway, is it still advisable? I'm still a bit of at a loss over why choosing some sets over its alternatives in many cases. Why slot mocking beratement over the other taunt alternatives? The cd reduction total? You have favored gauntleted fist over might of the tanker because the absorb procs require more intensive investiment meanwhile mostly the best use for MotT would be the res proc, that you slotted on pendulum? And last but perhaps most importantly: I'm kind of at a loss over how I should gear my char while lvling. Should I make a plan on mids to define what powers I'll buy and what sets I'll use in order to know where I'll need the slots and until I'm lvl 50 just roll with SOs or can I, for example, buy a ATO set at earlier levels with merits and then upgrade it later somehow without having to buy it again? Should I only care about sets on lvl 50?
Thanks a lot! I'll go through it all and take it all into consideration! Also, if I may, I'm having some noob questions, like... What is the difference between "healing" and "accurate healing" sets? Accurate ones are supposed to be used amongst "life leeching" powers like dark regeneration, that may miss? Also, sets like art of the gladiator (that has a unique IO) can only be completed once, right? I guess unique sets are all a tier above and are desirable as priorities?
Solifugo started following Character creation's OST. and Pointers for a Dark armor/ Battle Axe Tanker
Hello, first and foremost I'd like to point I'm mostly a noob in this game and I have no idea what I'm doing. However, I do have a concept in mind that, even if not perhaps minmaxed, I'd like to at least make playable. I'd kindly need your help building it since optimizing IO sets can be quite overwhelming... As the title says, it's a Dark armor/Battle axe Tanker. Let's work with that. The idea is to make a tank that melts packs using death shroud. Logically, it needs high dps on it and good survivability overall in order to survive the time it needs to melt everybody. I think dark regeneration is probably key here, for it is a good hybrid option for aoe dmg + survival.... Perhaps? Meanwhile, he uses battle axe to "crowd control" his current target, spamming knockdowns and knockups (chop, gash, swoop; more can be fitted as needed, at very least I'm thinking on employing pendulum since a bit of extra aoe dmg + knockdown would not be bad) to buy himself more time to melt while facing less agression from key targets. For power pools I'm thinking about running fighting for ye olde tough + weave; Leadership seems good but dark armor seemingly has a lot of toggles already... Perhaps I can skip it? Super speed seems cool for hasten, but since this build supposedly damages firstly through its dot, then perhaps, PERHAPS... It can skip it? Sorcery. It is a concept thing, the character's roleplay is that he is an apprendice sorcerer of sorts. Yes, an axe slinging tankish apprendice sorcerer, go figure. I took arcane bolt because I'd rather pull mobs with a ranged attack instead of wasting my 10s cd taunt to pull (Sometimes I play with friends and they rely on me to save them from aggro on occasion) and because I feel it has less chance of pulling another pack since I don't have to get close; I also like having some ranged attack option in case I get hit by a heavy slow or immobilized. I use mystic flight for transportation and plan on taking rune of protection for extra tankiness since I'm already here. Lastly, I'm thinking about picking dark mastery (EDGYNESS!); maybe by then I'll switch arcane bolt for a ranged nuke from this pool (or perhaps use them all together for more ranged combat capability?), then follow up with nightfall for more aoe (also, "nightfall" matches perfectly my character's concept!) and perhaps tar patch for crowd control, if it is worth it. Is it? I'm completely at a loss for what IO sets I'll use, save for theft of essence on dark regeneration. The rest... Mayhap I can skip heavy investiment on recharge timers? Seemingly I'll run into some endurance problems... Could you ppl kindly rate these ideas and give suggestions?
Thanks! I'm very happy to be back, even though I'm still kind of a noob in this game, lol.
Yeah, I was using -uiskin 1 before your suggestion as I described. Results are exactly the same.
Hello, thanks for the suggestion but just as I described, this method does not affect the character creation screen. As soon as you access it not only the OST switches back to hero's but if you go back to the login from there the entire ui will be hero's! Very frustrating.
Nice, but this does not affect the Character Creation. Some odd behavior can be observed when you come back from there.
Thanks for the suggestion but no, it doesn't work. Music springs back to hero when you open CC. As I said, have in mind that the log in villain OST is not the same as villain CC's! Thanks a ton! ^^
Hello, nice to meet you all, I'm glad to discover this game is back online! But without further ado, the question: Is there a way to make the city of villain's era theme play during Character creation? I've browsed the community mods and didn't find any... Have I missed it? -uiskin does not work. It changes the login screen's BG and OST, but as soon as you enter CC it not only reverts to hero's (Villains CC OST is not the same as the login OST anyway!), but also the login screen returns to being hero's if you go back, lol. Surely I am not the only one who misses it in the game? P.S.: "mute the game and have the ost playing in the background" is not what I'm looking for.