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About Ch1ld0fEr0s

  • Birthday 10/05/1993

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  1. GalactiKelly's Backstory:


    The story begins in the dark of space. An object of super mass reached a point of overall mass, no longer allowing light to escape it's gravitational pull. Basically, a star became a supernova, and as the core utilized all of it's fuel it reached a point of critical fusion. It's internal density caused all of the material to collapse in upon itself. As the exterior of the celestial body hurried to join it's core, an event horizon was born; Spr'ocike'tet.


    For millenia, Spr'ocike'tet existed with no form of sentient thought. One day, a planet full of psionic beings got in his path and was devoured by him. From this point on, even small thoughts began to form. He began to question his existance. Was the first sound he heard his name? "Spr'ocike'tet"? He went with it. He wasn't entirely sure how to pronounce it, but he thought it sounded decent. To be honest, he wasn't sure where his comprehension of language came from, nor did he know what he was. With thought, he managed to move himself around. He even made it to Earth.


    As an observer, he began to grow jealous of humanity and the interaction they get to have. He wanted to have "friends", but he didn't know how. Eventually, he found himself drawn to the planet, but he knew what would happen if he got too close. Instead, he shrunk himself down, and pulled in all of his energy to form a real body. Once he stepped onto the planet, he decided that it would be easier to gain friends if he had a human appearance. This is when he met Kelly Reynolds, and long-story-short gruesomely killed her and took over her body. Since then, he's been trying to experience being a human... He thinks... She thinks? No, definitely still a he. The body is hard to escape though? Help? I'm uncomfortable in here.

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