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Everything posted by Xavek1

  1. No critique, just wonder where the +Chance Endurance from performance shifter goes here? I usually see it in Stamina in most builds. If not why?
  2. So I have been building an electrical themed Brute. I like it so far, but I find that I am missing a lot of my melee attacks a lot more often than on my Fire Farmer. Thinking about swapping flight pool to leaping, but struggling to figure out a way to keep the 5 LotG def/gr. Any help would be appreciated. Also I am using this build currently to fire farm, but I am intending it to be all purpose. S Rank - Brute (Electrical Melee - Electric Armor).mbd
  3. I just want to include this, in case anyone gets the wrong idea. I'm not suggesting this to break lore, or to have Kheldians start as Praetorians. I only want the badge titles on my Peacebringer. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. I already have Immortal, just dismayed when I found out I would never be able to have Challenger of Gods for my PB, hence this suggestion. And it was because of this I found out that you couldn't make Kheldians in Praetoria, because I was fully prepared to restart my toon from scratch as a Praetorian if that option was available. Even after getting Immortal. That's how much I want this badge title. tl;dr I just want the badge title, not broken lore or misunderstandings.
  4. This is in fact why I made the suggestion. This is my reasoning behind the suggestion. I'm glad somebody gets it. Thank you.
  5. My Peacebringer is my Badge toon. It is decided, if I can't get Praetorian Badges, then I just won't have them sadly.
  6. You can't make a Peacebringer Praetorian. So it's impossible. And this exactly. Which is why I made my suggestion. If Null can just willy nilly swap Heroes to villains and vice versa with everything in between, why not have A Badge pool to swap too? Perhaps the good folks at Ouro can play with a timeline somewhere to make it so that we can start Primal and end up Praetorian? I dunno. Like you said, null is a hack job around swapping sides afa heroes/villains. Why not add Origins to that?
  7. I was working on getting this badge title on my Peacebringer. I didn't understand that in order to get this title I had to be Praetorian Origin. After trying to make another one, I found out that sadly I can't make a Praetorian Peacebringer. I would like to suggest opening up Praetorian Origins to the advanced classes somehow so I can get this badge title on my main/badge toon. Thank you for your time.
  8. Xavek1


    Making a Dual Gladius wielding Roman Scrapper. Goal is to get high recharge, and avoid 1000 Cuts, as I hear the animation lock isn't worth the button press. I think the only combo I will go for is the empower one. Looking for guidance or a good build to take on +4/+8 content and be relatively effective.
  9. Actually leveling one up myself. I am not good at building builds myself yet, especially with this class. But if anyone can help it would be appreciated.
  10. Afterimage would be phenomenal. Would bring my super speed game up a ton. 😉
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