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Posts posted by flair

  1. I routinely play MMs, but yes I've done FF missions in caves with Demon Summoner as a controller. We'd split the group because we had a full team and when I was not being overwhelmed by the graphics of demons covered in a number of auras I was happy, when I wound up in the other squad trying to find my way through to the front through a cave plugged with demons, I was getting a bit claustrophobic and cranky. I wish it was possible to shrink the bigger troops (would fit my clockwork themed Bot MM nicely) to give others better perception lines in tight spaces.

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  2. Hi, my name is Flair, and I'm an altoholic...

    Mystery Ink - Dark/Dark Controller with a wolf named Scooby and a fluffy Dark Servant named Shaggy

    El Inquisitor - Dark/Dark Corruptor whose chief weapons are surprise (Shadow Fall) fear (Fearsom Stare) and ruthless efficiency (Blackstar).

    Guerilla in the Mist - Merc/Storm Mastermind

    Infernal Revenue - Demon/Traps MM who collects on debts owed by criminals

    Necronomichaun - Evil leprechaun earth controller with his attacks stylized to look like gold - keeps asking his victims if they have his lucky charm

    Pulp Friction - Grav dominator

    Szechuan Healing - Water/Pain corruptor with cannisters of her special sauce on her back

    Gaia Fawkes - Anarchist able to control plants and the weather

    Master Beater - Staff (broom)/electric stalker who is a Harry Potter fanboi

    Bottom Feeder -  Fish head on a mechanical body - trying to convince the humans to quit dumping garbage in the ocean






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  3. /Dark is more versatile, IMO. Cold is great in a group - but outside of a group you've got buffs you can only throw on your pet. With Dark you get PBAOE heal that debuffs accuracy and res, Fade is a great buff, tar patch helps you to lock down and res debuff, and the level 38 pet helps with dam/debuff/heal.

  4. My main back in the day was Ill/Storm and it was SOOO much fun to play. I've got an Ill/Rad now - not nearly as much fun.


    As someone pointed out - you have to embrace the chaos if you go Ill/Storm. Instead of locking everything down, you're trying to bunch stuff up with snow storm and hurricane so that your lightning storms, freezing rain, and phantasms can do the damage for you. I soloed at least a couple of AVs and I didn't really have fully kitted enhancements (it took me awhile, but I whittled them down).


    I'll grant you that Ill/Rad is probably better equipped for AVs/GMs - but playing one now - the fun isn't there like Ill/Storm.

  5. My primary is Fire/Dark (tinted both to black+purple so they look cohesive). I love the combo. I played Fire/Rad during regular play - hated dealing with all of the toggles and convincing people to leave the boss until last (granted, not as much a problem now). I've also played Earth, Ice, and Illusion controllers to higher levels - preferred the tool set for Fire.


    One of my favorite things is tar patch + bonfire to keep melee creatures at bay. Throw down tar patch - drop bonfire - pull onto tar patch and when they are closing on you - they bounce back to the tar patch. I love the utility of smoke and shadowfall together to limit pulls and to reduce aggro radius so you can pick apart larger rooms without getting swamped. I also prefer the ranged disorient you get with Fire - I tend to lead with that after the tank has absorbed alpha, then throw tar patch under them and let the imps up my damage contribution while I lock down specific baddies and spam heals as necessary.



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