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Everything posted by HoboSprinkles

  1. To prepare, would it help if I made a draft of the character writing prompts in the pinned Roleplaying section? 😃 (Also...where is Vice? lol. I downloaded the game last night and did not intend to spend 4 1/2hrs RP'ing with a group of people, but here we are)
  2. Well definitely consider me interested and willing. Should I just message you during this weekend to see if the lessons are running? Hope everything turned out well in the back end ❤️
  3. Oh that's awesome to know thank you! Are the RP Workshops/ Welcome Wagons individual instances or is that just what the sessions are called? And is there a rough time it starts/ends?
  4. Hello! I was wondering if anyone could share some helpful prompts or shortcuts to put into the text box to help with immersion/hide the "text" aspect of it. I only recently started playing the game and want to make sure the experience for others is just as fun as it is for me. Thanks!
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