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  1. Okay good tips y'all thanks! I learned that in homecoming you get respect every 10 levels. So I took it just for the sake of lazy farming melee mobs in my lower levels. When I get higher I'll respect out of it and maybe do like y'all are saying take combat jumping for the mule. Cuz yeah I've started to get used to the jousting at range when I'm really trying.
  2. Gotcha. Thanks for the tip. Just that can be a later decision since I'm not at the point of IOs yet.
  3. Okay so you're saying being able to hover out of melee reach isn't even really a factor? It's more so the defense buff? That being said is combat jump buff worth spending a whole power on? Cuz I shouldn't need the extra jump I with jaunt. Once again I would be buying the whole power just for that buff. Obviously I have no idea of where the numbers are at in the game's current state.
  4. Played on live years ago and just came back. Made an Emp/Rad defender and was going to go experimental for SoS and Jaunt as movement powers as that's my origin. My question is if it's worth wasting a power on hover just to stay out of melee range or if that's a total waste of a power. I'm only level 8 so also not opposed to remaking rad/rad to get choking cloud although that set combo already seems to get played a lot. (Thermal rad also works for my toons theme; at least aesthetically) Or maybe I'm worrying about something that is no big deal? Idk what the balance is like in homecoming and when I played live I was a grav control so just kept the mobs slow/immob.
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